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\Non-stroke: those who block progress in human rights history of the reactionary remarks how to generate?

generally will follow the reading I usually think about walking, some recommendations from friends.

recently read is Hirschman's \This book is recommended by Mr. Qian Yongxiang Academia Sinica in Taiwan and sent, Hirschman it is very important thinker. His \

this \\Hirschman talked about big historical changes have a significant value of those big changes - Hirschman is a \value. From his \The 19th century, it is for citizens to participate in the operation of the rights of political power, that is, the right to vote. The 20th century, the rise of the welfare state, the concept of citizenship extended to the social and economic fields, so with a minimum of education,Giubbotti Moncler, health and economic welfare, and so is the establishment of the concept of civilized life, and so that it can implement a meaningful the basis of civil and political rights. No doubt, Hirschman at least consider this progress in human rights is right. I think so. He cited several typical \This can help us identify the current state whether it is nationalism or Marxism, New Left, or hair left,UGGS Online Bestellen, identify their logical fallacies and paradoxes of good teaching materials. I hope this book will be published soon, which will help alleviate the current ideological confusion.

Albert Tehe Economics Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen

Seaman pointed out that \economic development, social formation, and the uncertainty of human behavior, loyalty and commitment to the understanding of the nature and significance.

desire and interest in the book, Hirschman recalled the 17th and 18th Century Europe thought, illustrates the concept of a complex transition period: a long time, the pursuit of material interests to be condemned as a crime of greed, but now they are given a new role, can be difficult to manage in order to control the destructive human desire.

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Party Committee Propaganda Department Editor of this little book, a masterpiece ages poetry, prose essence of small format, easy to read a good band. Although the two hours to read, and only a small per month, but over time will make you a more complete knowledge of the structure, like a multivitamin,new ugg Stiefel, though one day, but also of self-cultivation.

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eternal life will not forget the four-five years ago, when I was young,moncler parka, the country witnessed the death of the day badly, saw the darkness of the old society, cold; more deeply realize that the intellectuals of the depression and helplessness, no way out of pain. How much of that period are in good reason to explore young people: \... ... \At this point,ugg boots outlet, vigorous \

Foreign Classics

Declaration of Independence (Excerpt) - 〔〕 Thomas Jefferson

the U.S. We believe that the following Truth is self-evident: that all men are created equal,UGG store, endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, including the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, it is only among them the establishment of government, the legitimate rights of the Government, it is ruled by the consent granted. Once any form of government to achieve these goals subversive of, the people have the right to alter or to abolish it in order to establish a new government.

Gettysburg address - (U.S.) Lincoln

87 years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent to create a new countries. Conceived in Liberty, and dedicated human beings are born equal.

Now we are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether that nation, or any conceived and so dedicated men are created equal doctrine nation can long endure. We meet at a great battlefield of that war, we came here to dedicate a portion of that field to those who sacrifice their lives for the country's people live, as their final resting place. We do so is entirely appropriate and proper.

Cultural Observation

【Observation The \

intellectuals used to be the main promoter of the wheel era to the present, the increasing decline of intellectual function, as is increasingly joint is lost. We could not help but ask: What happened exactly?

one, but the so-called intellectuals in the West today is standing on the opposite of the Western system, so many have some socialist colors. This form of affinity of the left, pull up the naturally with the international socialist relations, and international socialism, of course, affect the performance of the conditions of their existence.

Second, more complex and vulgar world, intellectuals have the vision was induced more and more superficial, and it also fully reflected in the social and human or even the subject of Art. Modern political, social, cultural thinking, while many prominent persons, but many only their own small circle of pleasure, and people's livelihood nothing.

three, the most serious, but with the popularity of, say anyone who has reached through the network can be expressed dissatisfaction with the new stage. The illusion of freedom, resulting in a negative consequence of this is no longer considered necessary to speak of intellectuals. The rise of the network,ugg bottes, in fact, another way is to deprive the role of intellectuals, and intellectuals have been redundant.

I actually think that Chinese intellectuals should go in a more pioneering work, which according to their own past and the universal human experience,UGG Boots Online, a sense of society and the different possibilities of development models for the new. [More]

>>>> Further Reading

scholar Wang Hui, the evolution of events alleged plagiarism identified

● 3 月Nanjing University scholar Wang Binbin the 10th in the \March 25, \

● 4 月 7 days \part of the recognition of Wang Binbin criticized the \

● 4 月 21 日 Bear Bingqi in the \, as a break 'media debate'; and if there is plagiarism, to abolish the Board for doctorate degree in the treatment. \Plagiarism 'organization called the Commission of Inquiry \br>


