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talk about love when we are talking about?
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love?
Raymond. Crawford
Raymond Carver

my friend Mel. 麦克吉尼斯 was constantly saying. Mel. 麦克吉尼斯 is a heart doctor, sometimes, such status had given him to speak with authority.
four of us sat around the table next to the Meyer family to drink gin. From the pond behind the sun shone through the large windows filled the kitchen. There are four me, Mel, Mel's second wife Terui Sa (we call her Terui), and my wife Laura. At that time we lived in Albuquerque. But we are all from abroad.
ice bucket lying on the table. Gin and tonic water are constantly passed around, I do not know how, we love to talk about this topic will come up. Mel that true love never inferior to the spirit of love. He said he left to go to medical school, has spent five years in the theological yard, he said, recalling those days in the seminary, still think that it is most important in his life time.
Terui said Mel lived together before and the man she loved her very much, love to want to kill her. Terui said, \to the bedroom, I dragged my head constantly knock the thing. \skinny, with a pretty face, dark eyes, brown hair has been dragged back. She likes to do emerald necklace and earrings long hanging.
\. \not the same, Mel. well, sometimes he is some crazy move, I admit. but he loves me, perhaps in his own way, he did love me, love it inside, Mel, let alone not. \
Mel Hush breath, put that glass turned to me and Laura. \Cup of wine he drink it, reach for the bottle.
\\He washed her grin smiled.
\to this subject up for? \\I think this topic should end.
\\know. You have to know the specific situation. But I think you mean that love is an absolute. \This love is, you will not think to kill. \what?
I touched the back of Laura, and she smiled at me quickly. I grabbed her hand, it is very warm, clean nails, trim very tidy. I used finger posing with her wrist, put her in his arms.
\him to the Santa Fe Hospital. At that time we lived there, about ten miles away. They saved his life. But he's gums so changed type. I mean, they disengage from the teeth, and teeth like a dog, like legislation with teeth. Oh my God. \\\; \Poor Ed. \\movements and gestures are very accurate, very careful.
\request. I love the way he's not the same as you. This is not my say. But he loved me, you can agree, is not it? \La Duanzhaobeizai leaned forward, resting her elbows on the table, both hands hold the glass. She glances over and Mel, then glances Terui, simple face with a confused look waiting for answers This seems very strange how things will happen to you friends who do.
\tell you how the story, \Oh, I'm not kidding. This guy always threatening us. So you should really see how those days we had, like, like fugitives. I even bought a gun. Can you believe it, people like me? But I really bought, for self-defense, put the car on the side of the box in the dashboard. Sometimes I have to leave the apartment in the middle of the night to the hospital, you know? I Terui not married then. House, kids, dogs and all that hide it from my ex-wife and I live in now that the Terui apartment. Sometimes, as I say, I will receive a house call in the middle of the night calls, must be in the morning two or three o'clock arrived at the hospital. Parking lot was dark, I have not approached the car on the cold sweats to. I do not know when he would come out rushed from the bushes or from the car behind me shot. I mean, this man was crazy, he is fully capable of installing a bomb or something. He hit me day and night service line, said to the physician, I have a call back he said, 'You're the bitch, you just a few days living head. 'Sort of thing. I tell you, really horrible. \\Latin is a legal secretary. working relationship because we know. unconsciously, we like on the. She is 30 years old, years younger than me. In addition to love one another, we appreciate each other and are willing to stay together with. She is easy to get along with people.
\fired a shot, it was heard gunshots, the report to the manager. They use the master key to open the door to see what happened, called for an ambulance. He was sent when I was just in the hospital. He is still alive, but has been hopeless. He lived for three days, the first head of swelling than twice normal. I've never seen this situation, I hope this life never want to see the. Terui want to go with him after that. We have this thing kicked a. I think she should not see him that look. I think she should never have to see him, I still think so. \He never failed to wake up, but I have been with him. He had no other relatives. \Then please yourself. \But he was willing to die for it, he did it died. \I have seen many people commit suicide, I can say that in the end no one knew why the death. \. \Mel even set up a will, and wrote to his brother in California has done special forces, told him to find who the event of unexpected good. \In particular, Mel, is not it, dear? I even had the police report, but the police can not do anything. They said Ed really did have to wait to take any action. It is not a joke? \
\\mouth, a very bold and kissed it. We are all being laugh.
\Terui said, \You are still the honeymoon period, for heaven's sake. You also fanatical lot, actually, indeed. Wait and see. How long have you two together? How long? Year? More than a year? \, \\Mel Open gin, pouring around the table for everyone.
\I suggest you Drink. Cheers for the love, \\with plenty of comfort. we have the feeling of standing on the edge fairyland. Once again, we drank, directed at each other grinning, like a group discussion to shop and go to a good thing not to dry the child.
\Then you can make their own conclusions. \her warm thighs, never pushed to the side.
\. We say we love each other, this is true, I do not doubt that. I Ai Terui, Terui love me, you two also love one another. You know what I am talking about this what love is. Physical love, the kind you drive people to a particular impulse, there is the essence of another person's love, love him or her spiritual things. Sensual love and ... ... well, call it emotional love it, that is, every day concerned about the other man. But sometimes, I find it difficult to accept I loved the fact that my first wife, but I loved. I know that I loved. So I would like to count, I like Terui. As Terui and Ed. \But now I hate her from the heart. I really like this. You have to explain that? That love how it? It in the end what was wrong, this is what I want to know. I hope someone can tell me. There is also Ed. Well, we talk about Ed was. He then Ai Terui, so that want to kill her, and eventually he killed himself to. \Your every move from inside to tell. Because you love light. But,cheap australia ugg boots, you have loved someone else before the meet. You also have married, as we are. Even before that, you may also love other people. Terui and I together for five years, has four years of marriage. Terrible things, terrible things, but also a good thing, unfortunately, the silver lining in it, you can say that if we are in and who is out what happened, please forgive me for saying this but if tomorrow the two of us Who out of trouble, I would like one, another one will be sad for a while, you know, but soon, the party will run out alive once again in love, will not be long before another new love. All of these, all of which we are talking about love, just a memory Bale. And possibly even the memory of not. I was wrong? I want to go out of the way? If you think I'm wrong, I hope you point it out to me immediately. I want to know. I mean, I did not know I was the first to admit it. \Dear? You have drunk? \I do not have to be drunk out of my mind. I mean, we all just casual chat, right? \cups.
\We all love you, \\You know what? \was going to tell you one thing, I mean, I want to prove a point. Note, this happened a few months ago, now is not over, it makes us feel ashamed when we talk about love, speaking like to know what he was saying the same. \\I would say the story is that there is the old couple was a car accident on the highway. A young man hit them and knocked them to the pulpy, not feel that they can survive. \Mel along the table and pass the bottle in a circle.
\I just sat down for supper Terui, hospital to a telephone, the highway from the accident that occurred. Drunk kids, teens Xiaonian Qing, driving his father's truck headlong into the couple opened the camping car. Couple 70 years old. The child (about 18, old) is not to the hospital died, and the steering wheel through his sternum. This old couple is still alive, you know, I mean, it got left some relief. They are black and blue, multiple fractures, internal injuries, bleeding, bruising, laceration,ugg classic Tall, all the, and they each caught a concussion. Their situation is very bad, believe me. Of course, They age them is a double blow. To say that woman worse than that man, in addition to the above said, she has broken spleen, knees knee bone fractures. Fortunately, they are tied seat belt, God knows, That temporarily saved their lives. \\\\Closer to home, they are pretty little dolls, and maybe has the old. I arrived, the child is dead, as I said. He is on the corner lying on a stretcher. I looked at the old couple, told the emergency room nurse at once to find me a neurologist, an orthopedic surgeon and two surgical doctor. \The two men, their incredible vitality. You occasionally come across such people. We have made every effort to dawn came, we gave them a 50 percent chance, give her the opportunity to perhaps less. In this way, they are still alive the next morning. So, we put them to the intensive care unit. Stay there for two weeks, they have been tough to sustain,ugg classic Short, and all aspects of getting better. We took them back to their own ward. \We went there, to that new place. But first it was bad bottle of cheap wine drinking say. \But it looks pretty good, from the outside. \Yes, Terui? \can tell you, but let me say this to you. If I can be reincarnated reincarnated into a different era, you know? I would like living as a knight. For wearing body armor that you will feel very safe. Before the invention of guns and gunpowder, to be a knight is very good. \Laura said.
\; Terui said, \That may from time to better than the first day of the serfs. \Is not it? On the other hand everyone is a flutter of others people. Is not that right, Terui? I like the warrior, in addition to women, but also because a suit of armor, you know, they will not easily be harmed. No cars had never been seen, you know? Not drunk young people to hit you in the ass. \\\Anyway, you know what I mean. Fixating, \I am a heart surgeon, yes, but I'm just a repairman. I disorder in which the whole together, and bring good things to tinker with. Damn it, \\If the inside of them was tired and hot, they might win even heart disease. I read that they sometimes fall from the horse, get up again, because the armor makes them too tired to stand askew all stand up. They sometimes trample on their own horses. \Nicky 【2】. I guess they had to lay there and wait until someone came to their string made of mutton. \, the name of love, or fuck when those who fight for their things. \\wine. He looked at labels carefully, as if pondering a long list of numbers. He then sliding the bottle on the table, then slowly to Na Kuining water.
\The old couple going on now? \\But the window of the leaves are still shiny. I watched them close to the window glass and the table Fo Mika veneer pattern on the left. Of course, they and not the same as the previous left.
; \\story, baby, I was only joking. How was it? \. Even a joke can not still stand? \\\friends,ugg outlet, I will love you. I'll take you looted, my dear, \\\thing. Plaster and bandages from head to toe, the two are so. You know, like in the movies seen. They are the look yours with exactly the same movie. Only in the eyes, nose, mouth and left a few holes there. She also must be hung up on two legs. Her husband of depression for a while. Even in that his wife would survive, his mood is still very low. But not since the accident, I mean, the accident is only one, but not all. I am close to the hole where his mouth, he said no, not the accident so that he hurt, but because he can not see the hole from her eyes, he said he was sad because it is. Can you imagine? I tell you, this man's heart is broken, because he could not turn his head and look at his damn damn wife. \simply asked for the life of that old shit. \\still no one got up to open the overhead lights.
\The rest just enough to each cup of. Then we went to dinner. We go to that new place. \\\; she used her fingers to scratch something on the table later, she stopped.
\. \I'm going to call my children. \Joe in words, it would only make you feel even worse. \\She let us bankrupt. Meyer said she did not deliberately make things difficult for him to marry. She had a boyfriend with her and the children live with. So, Mel also possessor of her boyfriend. \\the throat gestures. then his hands hanging down, almost down to the body sides.
\. You know? Kind of like wearing a hat like a helmet, there can be put down to cover the face of the baffle, large gloves and protective clothing. I went to knock on the door,Vibram FiveFingers Shoes, put a pot of bees all go into her room. Of course, I have to first make sure that children are not at home. \Support on the table, lift up the chin with both hands.
\Maybe we went directly to eat,chi hair straighteners, how? \I can now go out, went to the sunset. \\\What can cushion pad? \go get anything.
Mel put his glass upside down over wine spilled on the table.
Terui said, \\/ p>

【1】 Mel would like to say here, \\Can see that this is a spelling mistake (a becomes e), a bit like the Chinese idea of \Vessels of the Chinese translation of \So can the \In the following dialogue, the Terui will use this \
【2】 Nick (Nick) and Nicky (Nicky) are \


