
ugg sale uk Falls beasts feast Zimbabwe Boma Meal

to Falls Hotel, is already evening, this is a very primitive characteristics of ecological park hotel. check in the hotel immediately after the gate collections, that is driving the beasts to eat dinner, the locals called the \
originally thought that dinner, the characteristics of local rice has just stepped foot into the grass into the structure of large tents have lots of music dancing snowflake. Even more interesting is that each person had to put on a local cloth, tied diagonally over the shoulder, the fabric colors are beautiful, next to a can of paint in his hand bit my brother, in the embellishment of your face again to draw on to write something ......
Dude, look up around the ceremony is full of original local sense of the meaning of a meal seems to just belly of the feast, it is also a visual feast, eating is a cultural ah!

Grand Rapids Tourism Board Secretary to sit beside me, this is a very intelligent, and very lovely woman. To such an important place as an important role, must have her extraordinary place. This is the number of shed connected to a huge semi open-air restaurant that can accommodate hundreds of people. Come to find almost every continent, the black and white, colorful, bustling!
drums up, and singing began, African musical insight and interpretation of natural ability, had Jiaoren praise, the kind of harmony, the kind of rhythm, the kind of physical coordination, as if life revealed, and no artificial sense of natural, full of vitality!

not too complicated instruments, large and small, a few side drum,ugg sale uk, then is the hands clapping, and the rough penetration strong singing voice, simple but is so contagious!
up our appetizers, and some dried fruits and fruit processing slightly. The containers used to hold my heart is endless, which is made of pure iron, decorative sculpture is also Daisetsu Taiga. My first thought was, nor could buy a home, but a weigh, immediately gave up the idea ---- it is too heavy! !

This is a semi-buffet style dinner, appetizers are all kinds of bread, you can use different spices and pickles.

took the plate, turning and seeking want to eat. Barbecue area is the most exciting, because there are usually impossible to have the opportunity to eat a variety of types of meat.

You can watch brands on the label, to decide what to eat meat, the waiter will give you the oven.
I am on the meat, especially the meat of animals not so interested, feel and eat guilt. But look at them busy, clouds barbecue for everyone,cheap uggs boots, or very interesting.

lamb color exactly, I do not eat meat, take a look at, also full.
a big pot of bean soup, which is very popular in Africa as a soup, ground into a powder of beans not thick not thin, delicate fragrant, tastes good! Put more pepper taste Ka!

fellow friends of Zimbabwe, do not patronize camera, and quickly eat ah! So get me the one thing that crocodile meat, Antelope meat, wild boar, I stared at the plate for a moment, and finally decided it politely ate every kind of symbolic thing, and then the two roast Huang Yanyan potatoes were swallowed in his stomach has been somewhat saturated complacent.

this time, we gave each hair made a drum. Peng Peng pop, with the performer's drums all eager to start up.
This is a very interesting experience, several hundred people, from different countries, but the musicians encouraged and guided to hit a single beat and rhythm.

my drums do not have any experience of the moment, crackling, playing for a while, because around the drum too much, it could not hear, which is his voice, casually tapping these cities , is actually very good enough just to the trouble of pleasure!
not a moment to feel swollen hands, Ma Ma cracks at the Hekou Shui, and rest comes again!
my photographer and chef at the other end of the table, with the first meet in places, look a little strange.
Couguo to see what happens, video is very proud to have me sign a paper chef to the original which is a certificate: a certificate to eat worms!
This insect is a tree of local production, called \to eat a \look next to the insect, can not help a whole body smart! goose bumps all up!

Jim was very little to Zimbabwe, where more than a decade of life, actually have not had this bug too certificates are we a 忽悠, his skeptical from the chef's spoon in lift and the black root insects. Mouth Daogu with: Why give me such a great height bug?
Ouch! Oh,ugg outlet, that sounds horrible! I really can not guess in the end what is in fact a kind of taste ....

I also want a certificate, take it home, put framed and hung on the wall, that was so exalted, 1:00 are inferior to Europeans in the pride of stuffed animals hanging on the wall! Ideological struggle for a long time, 鼓足了勇气 the insects on the palm of your hand, but also scrutinize a long time, and finally it shares with the courage or the waves of painful stomach churn and vanished ......
this when the music came again,ugg online, and cries, one after another, men and women began to entertain with drums.
my Zimbabwean friends, usually not very talkative, did not expect the performance of very wild this time flavored!
such an atmosphere is contagious, of course, more people than eating bug action!
in Africa,MBT Shoes UK, I always find a heart truly relax with the feeling of, like the environment here, where the air, people here, have a catalytic effect, can people remove the usual concerns and reserved, as if reborn, into a separate himself!

jump with me is the American Indians.

drummer also extraordinarily exciting!

jumped a pass, sweating, back seat, actually feel a little hungry, so to dessert and then walk around the place.

whether color or appearance, these small things are so attractive!

fruit buffet where people are very creative way to gold melon carved into a natural decoration.
colorful fruit platter is my last one tonight, \warm and soft, almost a \Wall mosaic, in the light,ugg classic Short, regardless of color or design sense, all are so rich in African style!

through the lobby, and found our hotel in an open-air platform, a lot of people like to watch animals such as a night here to watch the distant pond to drink water animals.

days of the traveling all, today has been too much for me stay up late to see animals, and return to their homes, found that the waiter has a huge bed nets to come down. Heart burst of warm ......
came before the mirror, I discovered that tossing a night, my face was originally drawn into this way. Can not help but smug about. Remember this beautiful evening!

Hotel rooms no television, no radio, where there is no electronic equipment, and sleep forest birds woke me up.

early morning sun gently sown in the corridor outside, to the fascinating world plated layer of gold.

discovered that last night's hotel was such a garden!
breakfast place is full of wood flavor.

a variety of colorful cloth people happy.

placed on the table is so fun to watch.

my breakfast, a healthy breakfast, fresh juices, fruits, hot tea
suddenly heard the downstairs terrace has happened.

the original is the last night of the animal stands, not far from the pond, it was early in the morning to water a large group of wild cattle! ! What a wonderful breakfast meal Africa ah!

Photo: Xiao-chuen, Ning Tong

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