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live tour?, Or find a friend's house for shelter.

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So four? Climb together? Ladder. Walked five? Of? Waiting, old man, old lady? For? In slow years? Husband? Intolerance? From?, So the old man, old woman with laughing?:


To be the next tomorrow? Take. ?? The weight?? Years? Husband? It? Start up? To 20?, Whirring? Asthma have? In? By, years?'s Wife? Hold

started complaining: \How?? Health?? do?? it? in??? set to go live tour?, and climb even?? ladder? are you? Why? have to go home. \
tired, bad mood, they talk back?: \>

Wife? A living? \

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? Key. Aberdeen? Recalls??? Thing finished?? Home is his heavy lifting, by the wife??? Of,? Key?? In her?. \

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?? rest, He Koushui eat?? West, and even the dozen?? night. Years? Husband? Quickly restored? The yuan?. Years? Wife is very curious? Old man, his wife

woman: \also ????:\She a nice idea. \

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Original?, In climbing to the fifth? And years? Husband? Broke up, the old lady pondered: \Therefore, none of walking for a long time? get tired.? in climbing 77??, also?? it does not? tired. \??,? count? life of God? me? grace? count one year to climb a ??。\

old man?: \>
? my grace. \Your

mean?? me a lot. have you? busy, is that in God? my grace. \ladder, to go back? on

like running water as not?? out.

climbed to the 20th ????,? count to him? of? marriage; climbed 30 ???,? count to three? children with? born; climbed 40???, old man < br>
l? pay, the old lady reason? rich; climbed to 50???, 3? children with?? marriage; climbed to 60???, God? rule him? of illness; on

the 70??,?? live? can? small? child birth? him???? more??.

old lady is? to: \

Old man was about then?: \> go there? years? husband? the. Years? Husband?? End old man, old lady? Above,? Ashamed to low?. Wife?: \

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