
The Butterfly Effect, the phenomenon of the frog, crocodile law, catfish effect, herd behav uggs sa

1, the butterfly effect: 70 years of last century, the United States a 名叫洛伦兹 meteorologist in the Air system theory, said that the Amazon rain forest a butterfly wings occasionally vibration, perhaps two weeks would cause a tornado in Texas.
butterfly effect is that very small changes in initial conditions continue to enlarge after its future status will result in very significant difference. Some small things can be confusing, and some small things such as amplified by the system, then an organization, a country is very important, it can not confused.

2, frog phenomenon: a frog into hot water directly into the pot, because of its adverse reactions are very sensitive environment, will quickly jump out of pot outside. If you put a frog into a pot of cold water and slowly heated, the frog will not immediately jump out of pot, the water temperature gradually increased the ultimate outcome is to be boiled frog is dead, because the water temperature so high that the frog can not stand, it has been too late, or is unable to jump out the pot outside.
Frog told us that some mutation events, they often cause people to alert, and prone to cause deadly is the feel-good situation, the gradual deterioration of the situation , there is no clear detection.

3, crocodiles rule: its intent is to assume that a crocodile bite your feet, if you hand to try to break away from your feet, crocodile will At the same time biting your feet and hands. The more you struggle, it was the more bite. In the event that crocodile bite your feet, your only solution is to sacrifice one foot.
example,uggs sale, in the stock market, the crocodile rule is: when you find yourself trading a departure from the direction of the market, must immediately stop, without any delay, shall not have any luck.

4, catfish effect: In the past, sardines, low survival rate during transportation. After it was found that, if put in the sardines in a catfish, the situation is somewhat improved, the survival rate will be greatly enhanced. This is why it?
Had catfish in to a strange environment, the will \undoubtedly played a mixed role; and sardines found in such a \This problem will be solved oxygen sardines, and sardines, will not die.

5, Herding: sheep where to go, where to go behind the sheep to follow.
herding is the first equity investment in a term mainly refers to the investors in the transaction process exists the phenomenon of learning and imitation, \led them to a certain period of time in the same stock trading.

6, hedgehogs rule: two sleepy hedgehog, as cold and crowded in. Because their body can have a long a thorn, so they left some distance, but could not stand cold, then conspire together. After a series of two hedgehog finally found a suitable distance: not only the warmth of each other have the person who was not subject to binding.
hedgehog law mainly refers to interpersonal communication in the \

7, watch Law: Law Watch is a man with one watch, you can know it is a few minutes, and when he has two Shique can not be determined. 2 table and can not tell a person a more accurate time, so they will watch people lose confidence in accurate time.
watch Law in business management gives us a very intuitive inspiration, is the same individual or an organization can not both be used with two different methods, can not simultaneously set two different goals, and even each individual can not be two people to simultaneously command, or will the business or personal loss.

8, broken window theory: a house if the windows broke, no one to repair Shortly afterward, other windows will be broken somehow; a wall, if some graffiti has not been washed, and soon, the wall and covered with a mess, unsightly thing; a very clean place, people are taking out the trash sorry, but if there is garbage on the ground there, the people will not hesitate to throw, no blind.

9, 28 laws (more than Bale's Law): the late 19th century early 20th century Italian economist Bale more than that in any group of things, the most important only a small part, about 20%, the remaining 80% even though the majority, but it is secondary. About 80% of social wealth is concentrated in the hands of 20%, while 80% of people with only 20% of the social wealth. This statistical imbalance in the social, economic and life everywhere, this is the 28 rule.
28 rules tell us, do not mean to analyze, process and treat the problem, business and management to grasp the crucial few; to identify those who can provide a 80% profit , but only 20% of the total key customers, to enhance its services to achieve a multiplier effect; business leaders to work seriously on the classification analysis, are the principal energy to solve the main problem, focus on major projects.

10, barrel theory: the composition of a wooden cask, if the length of missing, then the barrel of containing water that is not determined by the longest piece of wood, but It depends on the shortest piece of wood.

11, Matthew: \even what he has will be taken over. \phenomenon.
----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------< br> 1, bird cage hanging a pretty Logic
cage in the room the most conspicuous place, a few days, the owner will make one of the following two options: to throw away cage, or buy a bird cage on the back. This is the logic cage. The process is simple, imagine you are the owner of the room, as long as people entered the room, see the cage, you can not help but ask you: \or raise birds. \Cage logical reason is simple: most of the time people are thought to inertia. So visible in the life and work culture of thinking how important it is.

2, broken window effect
the study of psychology has a phenomenon called the \repair Shortly afterward, other windows will be broken inexplicable; a wall, some graffiti if not washed, and soon, the wall and covered with a mess, unsightly things. A very clean place,cheap uggs, people will shy disposal of waste, but when there is garbage on the ground there, the people will not shrink from?, Did not feel ashamed. This is really a very strange phenomenon.
psychologists study is the \bad in the end.
any bad, if not blocked off at the beginning, into a trend, change it Gaibu Diao, as if the river bank, a small gap is not timely repair, dams can collapse, causing the loss of millions of times.
crime is actually the result of disorder, the New York City in the 80's when the real presence rob, not kill every day, walking in the street in broad daylight to be afraid of. Not to mention the subway, car dirty, foul words plastered everywhere, sitting in the subway, and everyone feels insecure. Although I have not been looted, but the professors have been in broad daylight, knocked one lose their eye sight, from the end of his research career, so I talk about Tiger color for many years, not alone to New York. New York city and the city recently raised a lot of reputation, so I am quite surprised that a city has been sinking, can escape from the dead, moving upward.
So when I went out to meet, and met a criminologist, one immediately to him for advice,uggs for cheap, the original New York City is the last book with a sense of the broken window effect of the theory, first to improve the criminal environment in which people easily crime Once upon a Budao slowly return to order.
Although this approach was criticized as being slow, the \shackled in a row standing on the platform, open to the public to announce the government's determination to rectify was found very effective.
police found that people do not really compare the situation of crime in a clean, also found that grasping Riders rewarding, because each of those seven Riders have one is wanted, there is a 20 in the carrying of weapons, so very seriously the police are willing to grasp Riders, Riders making criminals afraid,uggs for sale, afraid to go out with weapons to avoid more harm than good, runs the risk. This New York City,chi straighteners, from the smallest, the easiest place to proceed to break the criminal link of (chain), so this vicious cycle can not continue

3, the duty to spread effects
at 3:20 p.m. on the March 13, 1964, outside an apartment in New York before a man named Juno young women than the white bar at the end of the way home from work between the assassination. When she cried in despair: \When everything is calm, the killer returned to commit crimes. When she yelled, the nearby residents then the light switch, the attackers then fled. That has nothing to do when she returned to her home upstairs, the killer once again appeared before her, to kill her on the stairs. In the process, even though she shouted for help, her neighbors in the window at least 38 to watch, but no one to rescue her, or no one call the police. This incident caused a stir in New York society, but also attracted the attention of social workers in psychology and thinking. It is considered a large number of bystander phenomenon known as the responsibility of neglecting the dispersion effects.
formation of liability dispersion effect causes a large number of experimental psychologists and investigation, results found: this phenomenon can not just say yes everyone's callous, or Daoderiyi decay in performance. For different occasions, people really are different acts of assistance. When a person when an emergency situation, if only he were able to provide help, he will be acutely aware that their responsibilities to the victims to help. If he is refusing to produce feelings of guilt, feelings of guilt, it need to pay a high psychological cost. If many people are here, to help the responsibility for seeking help from the people to share, resulting in fragmentation of responsibility, shared responsibility for each person rarely, bystanders and even with his own share of the responsibility also unaware, resulting in an \How to break this situation, this is a research psychologist is an important issue.

4, Parkinson's Law
well-known British historian Nuosigude? Parkinson through long-term research, write a book called \book. In his book, agency staff explained the reasons for and consequences of inflation: an incompetent official, there may be three ways, first for his resignation, the seat vacate competent person; the second is for a competent person to assist their work; third appointment of two levels lower than they were when the assistant. This first way is absolutely Zou Bude, because that would lose many of the rights; The second way can not go, because that would be capable of their opponents; seems that only a third way the most suitable. Thus, two mediocre assistant shared his work, his own orders from high above, they will not pose a threat to their rights. Two assistants as incompetent, they are calling the shots, then found himself two more incompetent assistant. And so on, to form a body bloated, overstaffed, and mutual wrangling, inefficient leadership system.

5, halo effect
famous Russian literary giant Pushkin Zengyin halo effect suffered a great deal. He feverishly in love with is called \Natan Li looks amazing, but different puhi Jin-Zhi Road substandard. When Pushkin's poem written for each to read it to her when. She always covered their ears and said: \duel to death, so that a literary superstar prematurely fallen. Appears in Pushkin, a beautiful woman is also inevitably have great wisdom and noble character, however, is not the case, a phenomenon known as the halo effect.
so-called halo effect, that is, interpersonal communication, people who show the characteristics of a particular area, cover the other features, resulting in interpersonal cognitive obstacles. In daily life, \For instance, some elderly to young people's individual shortcomings, or dress, habits find it unacceptable to think that they must unpromising; some young friends, one thing about due admiration, will see him everywhere lovely, really called \Halo effect is a sweeping subjective psychological speculation, the error is: First, it is easy to grasp the individual characteristics and habits in order to promote individual and general, as Mangrenmoxiang as a point on behalf of the face; second It is no inherent relationship to some personality or physical characteristics associated with, the assertion that such features are bound to have other characteristics; third, it said, certainly good on all that bad on all the negative, this is a absolute domination by the tendency of subjective bias. In short, the halo effect is the interpersonal relationships in a great psychological impact on people with cognitive impairment, we have contacts to try to avoid and overcome the side effects of halo effect.

6, Hawthorne effect (Hawthorne effect)
psychological effects of an experimenter. 20-30 years of the 20th century, U.S. researchers said on Chicago's Hawthorne plant in the West the power companies working conditions, social factors and relations of production efficiency experimental results showed that the experimenter Xiao Ying, Xiao Ying, said Hawthorne.
the first phase of the experiment in November 1924 from the beginning of the working conditions and productivity of the relationship between the test group and control group. Increase or control the results regardless of illumination in the experimental group had increased production, and constant illumination output of the control group also increased. In addition, tests of the wages paid, rest breaks, the daily work of length and number of days per week, and other factors, can not see these working conditions, there is a direct impact on production efficiency. The second phase of the trial is led by Harvard Professor Mayo, and focused on social factors and the relationship between productivity and found that the production efficiency is mainly caused by the experimenter in the spirit of the great changes have taken place. Participate in the trial of the workers placed by the research laboratory dedicated leadership, its social status has changed, by all concerns, creating a sense of participation in trials, feel that they are an important part of the company, so workers From the social point of view has been encouraging, promoting increased production.
This effect tells us that when students or their attention or attention by the public, the study and would greatly increase the efficiency of communication. Therefore, in our daily lives to learn to live in friendship with others, understand what kind of behavior is accepted by students and teachers and appreciation, we can only live and learn and continually increase their good behavior, it may be more people's attention and appreciation, but also can allow us to study progresses, full of confidence!

7, learned helplessness learned helplessness effects of experimental
earliest Overmyer and Xiligeman found later in animal and human studies are widely discussed. In short, many experiments show that trained dogs can cross the barriers or engage in other behavior to avoid the shock the experimenter added to it. However, if the dogs are not expected before (do not know when to come) and can not be controlled by electric shock (such as interruption of electric shock or not depends on the dog's behavior), when the dog was an opportunity to escape electric shock, they also change was unable to escape. Moreover, the dogs also showed other defects, such as frustration and depression, decreased initiative and so on.
dog show why this situation is due early in the experiment learned a sense of hopelessness. That is, they recognize their own, whatever is done can not control the termination shock. In each experiment, the electric shocks were terminated under experimenter control, and the dog will recognize their inability to change the control of the outside world, which learned a sense of hopelessness.
person who had learned helplessness, they become a deep despair and sadness. Therefore, we should study and life in the open their eyes a little and see the real events behind the decision factors do not make our own despair.

8, the witness's memory
witness, in our understanding of where, usually to provide some objective evidence, is to witness to their pro-ear hear what people who speak out honestly. However, psychological research shows that the testimony of many witnesses are not accurate, or is a personal preference, with personal views and awareness.
witness testimony of their confidence and their testimony can not determine the accuracy of the results of this study is surprising. Mrs fees can be special and the psychologist Howard Springs decided that further study conclusions. In order to investigate whether the testimony of a witness something special, they will witness's memory and the memory of general knowledge were compared.
they make were shown a short video is about the kidnapping of a girl. The next day, to answer some of the subjects in the content of the video and asked them to tell their own level of confidence to answer, and then make a recognition memory test. Next, using the same method, the content of popular literature from the encyclopedia and general knowledge of selected issues.
the same place as before, Perkin fees can be special, and Howard Springs also found that the accuracy of the witness recalled, the confidence that their answers do not actually have the confidence of the people than those who are not greater, but For general knowledge, the situation is not the case, people with high confidence in memories of people who score better than the lack of confidence.
people in the general knowledge about their strengths and weakness with self-knowledge. Therefore, tend to modify their test results for the confidence scale. General knowledge is a database, is shared between the individual, it has recognized the right answer can be tested to measure. For example, people will know whether the issue in sports better than others or more almost. However, the event witnessed the impact from such self-knowledge. For example,uggs on sale, on the whole, they are unlikely to know others in the memory of the incident than the participants in hair color side better or worse.

9, Rosenthal Rosenthal effect
American psychologist, who in 1968 conducted a famous experiment. Them to a primary school, in a sixth grade class each select three children making a fuss about the \In fact, this list is not determined according to test results, but randomly selected. It is based on \8 months later, another intelligence test results showed that the list of general improvement in student achievement, teachers also gave their good conduct reviews. This experiment has achieved miraculous results,MBT Shoes UK, It is considered by teachers to students the subtle influence of psychology, so that teachers expect students to achieve the progress of the phenomenon, known as the \Pygmalion (Pygmalion of Cyprus in ancient Greek mythology, the king, he created a statue of love for young girls, and his ultimate desire to make the statue into a real person, the two fall in love combined).
educational practice also shows that: if a teacher like some of the students, they will have high expectations, after a period of time, students feel the teachers care, love and encouragement; often a positive attitude towards teachers, towards learning and towards their actions, students become more self-esteem, confidence, self-love, self-induce a kind of positive passion, the teachers of these students often get the desired progress. On the contrary, teachers who are ignored, discriminated against students from the teacher's discourse over time, behavior, facial expressions of teachers feel the \requirements; These students often worse day by day, and finally reduced to the bad elements of society. Despite some exceptions, but the trend is that, while it also sounded the alarm for teachers.

10, false share deviation (false consensus bias)
we usually believe that our love is the same with most people. If you like playing computer games, so it may overestimate the number of people like computer games. You will usually overestimate the students to vote for their favorite numbers, overestimate their own prestige in the population and leadership and so on. This overestimation of your behavior and your attitude to the inclination of the same number of features is called the \Some factors will affect your share of this false bias strength:
(1) When an external time due to strong internal attribution;
(2) the current behavior or events when a person is very important;
(3) When you are very sure of their point of view, or believe the time;
(4) When your status or some kind of normal life and learning are threatened;
(5) when it comes to a positive quality or individuality;
; (6) When you and other people as when they are similar.


