
The demolitions of the owner as a barrier to being severely burned Letters and Visits uggs for che

Lying Pan Liguo.

8 月 11 the correspondent received Baoliao a Suihua Suileng County residents in government housing demolitions of their own, and demolitions of the staff came to a dispute over a large area of the body by the fire Burns, currently the fifth hospital burn unit in Harbin City for treatment. Rushed to the hospital and Suileng County's understanding of the relevant circumstances, the original local demolitions were not the only one of its officials and the people behind the demolition of conflict-provoking.

\As the hemi-cheek, jaw, chest, legs and other parts were burned, lying on the Pan Liguo very weak. But Let's talk about the government departments regarding the demolitions and that they have been burned, he became very emotional, \A total of 146.9 square meters, located in downtown area because I opened a grocery on the second floor, and also sell ice cream, why spend 140,000 yuan at the end of 2005 to the first floor to install the freon refrigeration equipment and converted into cold storage. was converted when I consulted the Environmental Protection Agency, related to each other that does not require approval of other people in the industry told me that a small area and do not use freon refrigeration refrigerator safety supervision departments of the approval process, since then, had nothing to do until before and after the 2010 New Year's Day. \were valued, a total of 15 million, while the store buildings across the road is 3,500 yuan a square meter. As the pricing is too low, he and neighbors did not receive. April began, the county sent to consult with them as unreasonable compensation, consultations made little progress. In May,uggs for cheap, the county resettlement office, said Deputy Director Wang is also accordance with the relevant documents Fold one, a square for a square meter store,ugg store, demolition of cold storage was also cold. However, again after ten days to discuss the details of the time, Director Wang suddenly changed his tune, saying they were under no obligation to shantytowns to build a refrigerator, as cold storage itself has no legal formalities and not just Pan Liguo 1, there is no compensation for demolition of all.

Pan Liguo love Shu-Yan Wang said that only promised to do the final demolition of cold storage to 40,000 yuan compensation, because a large gap between the two sides did not always agree, when the last number of consultations on the direction of Pan Liguo couple said, Developers desperate to have \The officers also rushed split up

7 月 30 日 10 时 30 at around, Shu-Yan Wang has just opened the door to see 30 cars parked 110,120,119 other two in the street outside, afraid of while, she immediately locked the door on the second floor,cheap kids ugg, then get off at the county resettlement office Director Wang told her, \Casual, no one asked her to produce any valid proof of identity. This time that the door was forced open, the people around about a rush, it was Za Boli was breaking. Standing in the room of the Pan Liguo withstand the door immediately, this time broken glass and bricks to Pan Liguo scratch,cheap uggs, pick up next to the anger of Pan Liguo readily installed in the mineral water bottle used to clean parts of the gasoline tricycle began to downstairs and the door sway, and took the lighter warning downstairs demolition personnel, if we continue striking,ugg sale uk, he will ignite gasoline. After repeated warnings, thwarted by the staff it stopped hand retreated downstairs.

then Deputy Director Wang upstairs, from the door window to reach out and pull Pan Liguo, then tear two people together, tear process, the lighter suddenly ignite and was desperately and a bit of the Deputy Director Wang immediately dismissed them down, and immediately became the Pan Liguo fire people, 119 immediately began to fire. Pan Liguo who see the fire was extinguished, the people who just smashed it rushed to embrace her again, covered with wounds of the Pan Liguo forced to the windowsill, so he shouted, \\

Complaints Bureau: dismantled the house, give medical treatment

Shu-Yan Wang told reporters, the county found out after she repeatedly Complaints Bureau to explain the situation, love burns patient in urgent need of money, whether aid or other means, what doctor can first solve the problem, the answer is to talk about each other's houses, demolition of the house as long as the first treatment of the matter be easier, if not a good first house on the issue, other No way. August 9, Letters and Visits Office to find her again in consultation regarding the demolition, and told her to be deputy head of the Sui and talk to her.

Shu-Yan Wang said: \later to discuss the next thing. then Letters and Complaints Bureau of the people took me home and the door keys, soon the second floor was razed to the ground. \reporter went to Suihua Suileng County to conduct a survey on the demolitions. Living in the Town Street of Yung-Cheng Chen suileng the same house demolitions, the demolition until there are no signs. He said the demolitions of more than the few, housing demolition, the residents had to find accommodation, so there is no absolute number of households in the end of Statistics demolitions of light he knows there are 67 strong demolished.

Relocation Office Director: \Wang Hongjun (transliteration). Deputy Director Wang Pan Liguo burns on the issue, said: \began throwing gasoline on down, I told him that something could go under, this time he would name of the lighter. \can be conducted in accordance with procedures adopted after the demolitions and demolitions when homeowners are at the scene, there is no off-site to carry out demolitions of the owner's situation.

When a reporter said the residents of the hands of auto parts across the city have a real estate license and land certificates, and some residents of an area of several hundred square meters of land certificates, but in addition to move back home, land, and without compensation,uggs sale, but the residents said According to \welfare projects. I only know demolition method,ugg outlet store, do not know what \>

Black Dragon Jiangyuan Min attorney law firm ZHANG Zhong-wen told reporters, according to \Two methods have on the valuation of housing demolition, and demolition of the assessment before, according to the specific location now, old and new, the construction cost and other aspects to assess the conditions.

According to \the law's authority and procedures for collecting a collectively owned the land and units, Geren's Fang Wu and other real property, but it should be full Zhi Fu Yi Fa land compensation fees, resettlement subsidies for land attachments and other expenses. The industrial cold storage building does not belong to the scope of public interest. \Superior to the old method in accordance with the new law, effective method than the upper level law under the principle of demolition is clear the government should be in accordance with the \


