
The rules of wine on the table ... ... a man must know that a woman must learn ugg australia sale

wine on the table ... ... a man must learn the rules a woman must know the whole ah】 【wine on the table over the rules:

(a) if he really can not drink, do not The first mouth open, holding a dish while eating job folder to
(b) if satisfied that his drink, do not install the ink, the next rule is a rule of the

: Jiuzhuo Although the \
rule 2: a low profile and Accumulate, must not be a big charge on Jiuzhuo on.
three rules: drinking before the leadership turn their mutual respect.
rule four: can people respect a person must not be more than one respect,ugg australia sale, unless you are leading.
rule 5: Respect other people own, if you do not clink, drink themselves how much can the case may be, such other drinker, drinking each other's attitude, must not drink less than the other, respect their own people to know.
rule six: their respect people, and if clink, 1, I finished that you can, Fang was Dadu.
rule seven: his humble position, remember to add more wine to the leadership, not blind to the leadership on behalf of the wine is to generation, but also in actually looking for someone to lead, but also because we wanted to pretend he is not drinking In order to give leadership on behalf of the wine and drinking. A leading example, numerous liquor power, respect by beating about the bush to prepare the leadership of a person stopped.
rule 8: porting glass (beer glass), cups his right hand briefly, his left pad bottom of the cup, remember always lower than others their own cups. If their leadership, get the picture point, do not put too low, or how a man called the following?
rules 9: If there are no special characters present, the best time needle touch wine order, not favoritism.
rule 10: clink, toast, have arguments, otherwise, I tmd Why drink your wine?
rule 11: do not talk business on the desktop, drink good, business is also almost the same, all inside a clear understanding of mind, otherwise people will not open up to you to drink.
rule 12: Do not install distorted, says the wrong thing, or do wrong things, not to defend themselves, consciously Monastic is the last word.
rule 13: If, purely if the encounter would not be enough wine, wine bottle on the table among the people themselves Tim, Do not be silly not to waste one by one pouring, or how the back of people are not wine do?
rule 14: there must be a boring glass of wine last, so do not let your glass empty. Stand it's ~
rule 15: Do not drink and pay attention to slip, not to brag, not badly, not spittle bursting in air, chopsticks thrown indiscriminately, not your fingers disorder refers, soup puff puff ring, do not fart burp, Bie not go to the toilet to live, no one stand in your way.
rule 16: Do not put \
rule 17: Leading with your drink is for you face, how should you drink no matter how much lead, their first dry for the King, remember ah, hands, lower cup.
rule 18: peanuts on the drinking people, is a good thing. Keep a clear head, drink greetings, it is indispensable, a cup of yogurt, a cup of hot water, a hot towel seems you are caring.

If you can not drink

1, do not take the initiative to implement a defensive to the offensive strategy;
2, table, put two large cup, a cup of white wine, a cup of mineral water, take small small handless winecup Cheers, ground water, to drink wine on the table the basic subject and object 8 minutes drunk, you can order water instead of wine, take the initiative;
3, toast, do not immediately swallow to find opportunities to use napkins Mazui, napkins in the wine spit;
4, after the attendance of some eat fat class, bottom of starchy food, drinking is not easy drunk;
5, grasp the rhythm, do not drink at once too hard;
6, do not drink some wine Hunzhe, are particularly vulnerable to drunk;
7, lead and take their food, do not turn Jiuzhuo the middle of the disc,uggs outlet, you dial the leadership and take their food is the wine on the table taboo;
8, drink six drunk, turn your dish in front of vinegar to drink vinegar, let the waiter added;
9, each drink, the glass full, and then pretending to drink Hold the small handless winecup not as far as throwing out a number, so you can not drink too much into a lot of time;
10, put away before the half-cup of tea before drinking, drunk not to swallow, quickly pick up the cup, drink the water Kung Fu spit the wine into the cup, spit over the water exchange on the line, useful for!

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feast on the liturgical

1, Chung Huan fun, should not whisper
most of the banquet guests were more, it should be as much as most people can talk about some of the topics involved, get the majority of people. Because of personal interests, knowledge different topics so as not to be too partial to avoid conceit, many, Shenkan boundless phenomenon appeared beside the point, while ignoring the crowd. In particular, try not to whisper softly with the people you're far, a mystery to others, often have a \
2, targeting two sides, grasp the overall situation
most spending has a theme dinner, which is the purpose of drinking. The meal you should first look around the demeanor of expression, to distinguish between primary and secondary, not simply to drink and drink and friends lost a good opportunity, but do not let some of the sensationalism of the drinker confuse the meaning of the host.
3, the language properly, witty humor
sprinkle on the table can show a person's talent, knowledge, training and communication manners, and sometimes a humorous humor, language, will guests impressed, makes you feel good imperceptibly. Therefore, we should know when to say it, the language properly, witty sense of humor is critical.
4, drinks upon appropriate was not to be forced
often encountered in the wine on the table drinks upon the phenomenon, some people like the wine market when the total battlefield, trying to persuade other people drink wine, do not drink to the amount that is not really.
5, toast order, prioritize
toast is also a science. Toast under normal circumstances should be of age, rank, host and guest status order, must be fully considered before the toast toast good order, clear primary and secondary. So with those who are not familiar with the drink, it must first ask the status or pay attention to how others address this point in mind to have a few to avoid embarrassing or hurtful situation.
toast be sure to grasp the order of toast. Have requests for a certain time at the dinner guests, he naturally should be highly respectful, but be aware that if the presence of a higher status or older people, you should not only help busy people the respect, and also first Venerable elders to toast, or will we all embarrassed.
6, the wind blows, people
To understand the table at the reception was appreciated, they must learn how the wind blows. Interacting with people, we must understand the people, both ways, to play the role of good wine on the table.
7, edge to shoot, sit tight in the Taishan
banquet dinner on occasion to see the correct valuation of their own strength, do not be too impulsive, as far as possible liquor power, and talking to retain some sense of propriety, not to let others look down on their own time, not too much to reveal itself, select the appropriate opportunity, and gradually its edge radiation can sit tight in the Mount, not to others have a \The idea, so that we dare not underestimate your ability.

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attention to detail

1 seating

general, seating is \\If the round table, while being the main passenger door, subject and object about hand position, the distance between subject and object Zeyi from the point of view, the more respect the more close to the subject and object location, the same respect from the left side of the right. If the square table, if there are seats on the door, the door is on the right side of the main bit off. If the errors on the door, then face the right side of the East seat for the chief.

If banquets, table and desk arrangement between the principal stress among the top center, left turn 2,4,6 I the right to 3,5,7 seats, according to subject and object identity, status, affinities minutes to sit.

If you are a master, you should arrive early and wait in the position near the door, and introduced the guests seat. If you are invitees, then the host should follow the arrangements for admission.

general, if your boss is present, you should be directed to the main boss seat, please sit in the main our customers the highest level the left seat position. Unless the leadership level of the host object is

2 a la carte

If time permits, you should wait after most guests had gotten together, will be circulated to the menu for the guests and invited them to come to order. Of course, as the official dinner, you will worry about the budget issue, therefore, to control the budget, your most important thing is to do more homework before dinner, choose the right grade of entertaining place is more important, so guests can also greatly appreciate your budget. Moreover, in general, if you will pay, not too shameless guests a la carte, will allow you to decide. If your boss is also the dinner, be sure not to respect him, or that his entertainment experience, catering to eat more, and let him / her to a la carte, unless he / she volunteered. Otherwise, he would find enough decent.

dinner if you are a person, you should know when you should not be too active in the ordering, but to the owner to a la carte. If the other kind requirements, you can point a not too expensive, but not all the food taboos. I remember the views of people consulted about the table, especially to ask, \After ordering, you can ask for instructions, \

ordering, be sure to know what's what. When ordering, according to the following three rules

composed of one look. In general, the per capita food is more of a general rule. If it is man's dinner can be more appropriate dosage.

two combinations to see dishes. In general, the best table at the restaurant is well-established practice dirty, hot and cold, try to make it comprehensive. If the table more than men,uggs outlet, may be some more Meat eater, if the President more light may be more of vegetables a few Road.

dinner three to see the degree of importance. If an ordinary business dinner, an average of one food in 50 to 80 yuan acceptable. If the object of the dinner is more key, then the weight is enough to point a couple of dishes, such as lobster, saury, anchovy, and then to the specification that is the abalone, shark's fin powder.

Another point to note is that a la carte dishes when the waiter should not ask the price, or bargaining, it will Let your company in front of customers is a little Xiaojiazaiqi, and customers will feel uncomfortable.

attached: Chinese food guide ordering four bogey

three excellent standard Chinese dinner meal, usually first on the cold, followed by stir-fried dishes, followed by the main course, then the dim sum and soup, eat a little bit if you feel tired, you can order some dessert, and finally the fruit plate. In the ordering of the various procedures to be taken into account the dishes.

priority dishes

1, with lunch dishes characteristics. Entertain foreign guests of the time, this one should pay more attention. Like deep-fried spring rolls, boiled Lantern, steamed dumplings son, lion head, Gongbaojiding such food is not tasty, but because with distinct Chinese characteristics, so admired by many foreigners.

two dishes with local features. Such as steamed bread with mutton in Xi'an, Hunan, Mao's home braised pork, braised lion head in Shanghai, Beijing, lamb, where dinner guests outside, on these dishes, probably more than the size-fits-popular fresh seafood.

3, the restaurant's specialties. Many restaurants have their own specialties. On a specialty of this restaurant, telling the owner of the careful and respect those who were invited.

menu in the arrangement, guests of the diet must be considered taboo, especially to the chief guest of the food taboos attention. These dietary taboos are mainly four

1. Religious dietary taboos, is also not negligent. For example, Muslims often do not eat pork, and do not drink. Buddhists eat Hunxing domestic food, which not only refers to meat, but also onions, garlic, chives,ugg online, mustard and other pungent food smells. Some believe in the Buddhist Goddess of Mercy in the diet, particularly beef ban, which point to serve Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan compatriots and overseas Chinese in particular should pay attention to when.

2. For health reasons, for some food, have also been taboo. For example, heart disease, cerebral vascular, vein sclerosis, hypertension and stroke after-effects people, not suitable for eating dog meat, lamb and soft-shelled turtle Jichi hepatitis, gastroenteritis, gastric ulcer and other digestive diseases, people are not suitable to eat turtle, hypertension, high cholesterol patients, less He Jitang so.

3. Different areas, people often have different dietary preferences. For this, take into account when arranging the menu. For example, in Hunan province who generally like to eat spicy food, eat sweets. Anglo-American countries usually do not eat pets, rare animals, animal offal, animal's head and claws. In addition,ugg boots sale, the dinner with foreign guests, as far as possible be chewing less rigid dishes, foreigners will not bite in the meal in the mouth and spat out the food, which also have to consider.

4. Some occupations, for some reason, often in the dining areas have their own different special taboo. For example, when public servants are not allowed to accept an invitation to dinner in the performance of official duties, when not allowed to eat and drink in the official banquet, not exceed the state standards meals, are not allowed to drink alcohol. Again, the driver shall not drink alcohol while working. If this point is ignored, there is likely to make mistakes the other side.


confinement instead of the Chinese people are generally about food, but also very particular about their eating habits. As more and more emphasis on workplace etiquette, business dinner table eating and eating and more attention to phase. The following order Chinese food, for example,Five Fingers Shoes, teach you how polite at the dinner table with instrument handy.

lunch banquet meal at the beginning of the first waiter brought a towel wet towel, do not use it to wipe her face. On lobster, chicken, fruit, it will send a little water, Bangladesh, in which floating lemon slice twist or rose petals, it is not drink, but hand-washing purposes. Hand, it can turn wet finger hands, gently washing purposes, and then with a small towel.

meal should pay attention to civility and courtesy. Do not repeatedly advised of the foreign guests food, Chinese food can be introduced to each other's characteristics, eat eat by him. Some people like to persuade others dishes, or even for each other and take their food. Foreign guests tend not polite if you again, chances are people will be disgusted: \If you wait for someone else to own cloth dish, it had to Russia and stomach.

guests seated, do not immediately hands-feeding. The owner should be greeted by the owner to indicate the beginning of toast, guests can begin; guests can not rush ahead in the host. Take their food to civilization should be in front of such dishes to their own, then Dongkuaizi, do not rush in front next to him, once and take their food should not be too much. Too fast, not only conducive to digestion, but also at the table manners. Must not be large to my mouth, wolf, this will give people the impression left greed. Do not picky, do not just stare at you like Lay eat, or haste to favorite dishes piled up in your own plate. Action to elegant dining, sitting next to him not to come across when Levin folder, not to the food tray and Slide table, not the soup spilled. Do not send any unnecessary sounds, such as soup when the \Do not just eat one side and people to talk to. Mouth of the bones and fish bones do not spit on the table, napkins are available hush money, taken out on the dish, with chopsticks. Dishes off the table, do not eat. Do not play with dishes during a meal, or with chopsticks straight people. Do not hand to her mouth random pull. Use the toothpick at table, the application of hand or napkin cover your mouth. Do not let dishes make a sound.

end of the meal, you can use napkins, napkin or a waiter brought a small towel over the mouth, neck or chest, but should not rub; uncontrolled postprandial not burp or belch; not indicate the end of the host, guests can not leave first.

on toast

1, owner of King guest of honor.
2, Peiqia King guest of honor.
3, the guest of honor retaliate.
4, Peiqia mutual respect.

Remember: a stranger can not overwhelming and chaotic toast, which is very impolite, but also very disrespectful to the owner.


pouring tea for learning both referred to here apply to customers to the company visits, the same applies to business table.

First, the tea should be clean. After the guests entered the house, let sit, back-up tea. Before tea, must bring clean tea, especially for a long time unused tea set, inevitably stained dust, dirt, but also carefully washed with water again. In tea, tea for the best scalded with boiling water until about teapots, teacups. In this way, pay attention to health, but also to buy a ticket. If both clean and unclean tea, random guests tea, it is impolite performance. Others saw the teapot, tea cup stains on the stains on the nausea, how would also like to drink your tea? Now companies are generally one-off cup, in the pouring cup once the former should pay attention to put on the cup holder, so that heat hot water, so that guests can not fo.addParam tea moment.

Secondly, tea should be adequate. Start with tea, generally appropriate. Tea should not be too much, nor too low. Tea too, its flavor is too thick; tea too little, not much to complain out of the tea flavor. If customers take the initiative to introduce myself like to drink strong tea or weak tea habit, then the mouth of the stomach according to the guests to tea good. Besides tea, whether it is big cup small cup, are not down too full, too full of easy to overflow the table, stool, floor wet. Not careful, will burn themselves or guests of the hands and feet, so that two sides are very embarrassed. Of course, we should not fall too low. If the tea had just cover bottom of the cup on the side for guests, give the impression that the bumbling, not sincerity in.

again, some tea to obtain the Fa. In accordance with the traditions of our people, as long as hands are not disabled, are the guests some tea with both hands to the. But now some young people do not know the rules, gave the guests tea with one hand trouble. Should be very careful hands some tea, tea cup on a cup ear, usually with one hand grasp the cup ear, boosting the bottom of the cup the other hand, the tea is served to the guests. Not filling the tea cup after cup ear boiling whole body, good hands close to some comrades just-do, with fingers pinch edges go out into the cup before the guests get. Although this method can prevent some tea burn accident, but it is unsightly, not enough health. Consider, for guests of the mouth lick master's finger marks, feel better right?

Tim tea. If your boss and clients need to add the cup of tea, you should be duty-bound to do so. You can indicate waiter Tim tea, or let the waiter to leave the teapot on the table by adding your own is better in person, it is not know what to say when the best way to cover up. Of course, when Tim tea to the boss and the customer must first add tea, and finally give their Tim.

5 leave

general reception and tea for a long time, some have two hours or more. Perhaps visit a few times, recognize some people, you quickly want to leave. At this time, midway leave some skills, you can not understand.

common was a banquet for the time being warm, because people wanted to leave, which leads to the result of crowd agents just quickly disappeared to hosting people really anxious hopping. To avoid such unpleasant consequences, if you want to leave halfway, never talking circles, and 11 say goodbye to everyone, as long as quietly and around two or three people say hello, and then will leave.

leave the reception site, be sure to invite you to the master note, apology, not ran quickly disappeared.

and greeted the owner, should go at once, not pulling the master of the gate big talk nineteen to the dozen. At that time, a lot of other things to do, the scene still has a number of guests waiting for him (her) to say hello, too much time on your master account will cause him (her) in front of other guests rude.

Some people attended the reception, tea, when the half-way ready to leave when asked it to everyone she knows to be not a go. The results have been bustling scene, encouraged by her such a one go ahead finish at the. This bustling market thing, the hardest was the banquet master of understanding, a gentlemanly person, be sure not to commit the clock error.

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preparation before drinking alcohol can hurt

liver, which is well known Road,ugg boots cheap, in order to maximize reduction of alcohol on the stomach and liver damage, reduce the incidence of fatty liver. Wine is very important preparation before it is able to ensure you never drunk alcohol on the table the key factor. In to dinner before the first bite to eat at home, so little stomach thing Dianzhe. That specific something to eat then? Generally better to eat high-protein, such as eating two eggs, some milk, soy milk, as these high-protein food in the stomach and alcohol can be combined, react to reduce the absorption of alcohol. Also, eat biscuits, cakes, etc. can make the stomach a little something, because an empty stomach drink alcohol in the stomach can easily be absorbed, resulting in easy to drink. Note that, should not use salted fish, sausages, bacon and drinking wine, smoked foods such as a large number of pigment and nitrosamines, and alcohol react not only to liver injury, and damage to oral and esophageal mucosa, or even induce cancer.

In addition, frequent drinking or regular wine server for those who can to try some of the methods documented in ancient books. If the Qing Dynasty Anonymous in the \\br> \confinement instead of the importance of the time. Before drinking, as much as possible eat a la carte, and then drink, its the same principle and said earlier. Fasting is prohibited to drink, not only easy to drink, and easy Shang Wei.

sober up after drinking measures

after drinking, dizziness, headache, vomiting, and even personnel awake, intoxicated persons to undergo great suffering, this time sober up as soon as possible to reduce the pain caused by drunk, and prevent more damage may occur. Tips sober up here to teach you the method is simple, drinkers according to their own circumstances, to choose their own way, try.

★ ☆ Beverage Service radish juice: raw white radish, washed juice, a little heat dose, every time a cup, the first 10 minutes, three to go to the alcohol solution.

★ ☆ eat cabbage heart: heart shredded cabbage out, not enough to take a two, plus a small amount of white sugar and white vinegar mix pickled 35 minutes after the dose, this method quickly sober up.

★ ☆ services celery juice: Wash chopped fresh celery juice, when the tea to drink, drink a row three times (every other 5 minutes), the blush on drink headaches are effects brain swelling.

★ ☆ fresh orange peel drinking water: 2 2 1 kg of fresh orange skin plus boiling water, then add a small amount of salt after shaking when the tea to drink, once a cup, 5 minutes and then drink three times effective.

★ ☆ drink green bean juice: green beans 2 2, plus Shui Zhushu after drinking, drunk like a soup beans. such as green beans mashed with boiled water will have sobering effect.
also how to reduce drunk due to headache, dizziness, nausea and other symptoms do? The following also introduced several food, which is the National Headache Research Foundation, researchers found, we may as well be a reference:

★ ☆ headache honey drink water governance: a special kind of honey contains fructose, can promote the decomposition of alcohol absorption, reduce headache symptoms, particularly headaches caused by wine. In addition, honey also hypnotic effect, make people fall asleep quickly, and will not wake up the next day headache.

★ ☆ dizziness after drinking tomato juice governance: a special tomato juice is rich in fructose, can help promote the decomposition of alcohol, one drink more than 300ml, feeling dizzy after drinking can gradually disappear. If a small amount of salt before consumption, but also help stabilize mood.

★ ☆ drink of fresh grapes rule nausea, nausea: If you eat before drinking, but also effective in preventing drunk.

★ ☆ watermelon juice drink governance body heat: watermelon with a can heat internal heat can speed up the alcohol from the urine.

★ ☆ Drinking grapefruit eliminate mouth: grapefruit dipped in sugar to eat meat, the elimination of the mouth of the alcohol drink of great help.

★ ☆ governance drink celery juice, gastrointestinal discomfort, facial redness: This is because the celery is rich in B vitamins, break down alcohol.

★ ☆ yogurt drink irritability rule: yogurt can protect gastric mucosa, slow alcohol absorption, including calcium-rich, especially effective in relieving irritable after drinking.

★ ☆ banana drink rule palpitations, chest tightness: drink eat 13 bananas, can increase blood glucose levels, reduce the proportion of alcohol in the blood to achieve the purpose hangover. At the same time, it can reduce the symptoms of palpitation, chest depressed elimination.

★ ☆ olive drink anorexia treatment: olive sober since ancient times, Qingwei heat, promoting appetite, \

thought that tea can sober up, but I do not know it has been \Tea
Li Shi Zhen in the \. Modern medical research has also pointed out that the tea will stimulate gastric acid secretion, making alcohol more easily damage the gastric mucosa; the same time, the theophylline in tea and alcohol as causes rapid heart beat, even heavier burden on the heart.

hangover drug

above the current market a lot of hangover drugs, such as Sea King Jinzun \Customer Gerber \The purpose: first, whether the rapid decomposition, the alcohol lost its efficacy, or block alcohol gastrointestinal Zhong Zai's Xi Shou, Jian Shao blood alcohol Jinru the amount of this natural Ye Keyidadao sober purpose. 但是, Buguan what Xingjiuyaowu, no matter how wonderful their effectiveness, there are certain side effects, and can not eat, especially for those who often need regular wine server or entertaining people, especially. generally do not eat, because even if you take medicine, and alcohol or entered the body, liver damage, the best is do not drink, when to drink first while other ways to sober up.

drunk care

drink themselves often do not know their behavior, not to take care of themselves, then as a relative or friend must take care to take note of several aspects :

1. intoxicated persons, such as unstable walking, should be careful not to let fall, to prevent bruises, or other important parts of the head bump.

2. to keep warm, because intoxicated persons physical decline, easy cold at this time. Let's head twisted to one side of the drink, to prevent vomiting, if vomiting, to clear the mouth of vomit, to prevent access to the trachea, causing asphyxia, or pulmonary infection .

3. drink more severe cases, and can not take sober goods, you should make it threw the stomach contents, you can use your fingers, swab, etc. to make it into his throat and vomiting. necessary Remember also the use warm water or 2% sodium bicarbonate solution gastric lavage. more serious then call 120 or immediately rushed to the hospital emergency.


