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this world, not many people really chic, pretending to be a lot of casual people. However, it is absolutely chic, \Sad and regrettable that some people pretending to be casual, often feel good about themselves, think they are really chic. Then he gives the feeling, like a sentence review of the Western people always say, - Oh my God!

heart of chic is a state, it is not my ultimate - Tuochen born; appearance of the chic is a landscape, it's extreme is me - I am the Who.

lost a valuable item, only to upset the mind a moment, then discard the back of the head, this is a chic. And the lovers break up, regret in the hearts of a few days, they calm as ever, it is not clear, but never really loved.

chic when you deliberately mimic the time, is when you are furthest away from the chic; when you have no intention, when unrestrained, is unrestrained when nearest to you.

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clear, is a character. Special and dashing man who, that is the natural expression of character and play to the level of people vividly. Lost character, there will be no casual.

fear vary widely, but also a natural and unrestrained. Fear vary widely, will often hesitate. One often hesitant, indecisive people,cheap uggs boots, is not chic to speak of. Who does not love

chic? Who can chic? Who has a breadth of mind, is it possible spiritual chic; with confidence and strength, are likely to chic in appearance. This chic, casual is the real sense. Daily lives, that is close to the beautiful meaning more clear, compared with the real chic, it just \

thinking brave courageous people Yourou cowardly action, action man bold and reckless lazy thinking. Full of wisdom, courage, never is a very rare quality.

for the Warriors is: physical death, the soul will die; for cowards is: the soul is dead,cheap kids ugg, the body still be alive. Shakespeare's Julius Caesar through the mouth of a good thing to say: \often not the sense of justice, but the brave. Sense of justice is not brave, almost equal to zero, neither can evil convergence, but can not prevent evil. Furthermore, the lack of brave local, must be the lack of justice, because without courage, justice is not 张扬.

Warriors, even in the enemy heart, but also to arouse respect; coward, even in the fellow eyes, but also was contemptuous.

some people afraid of students, there are some people afraid of death. Individual desires to take risks, it is not brave is desperate. Courage, and justice is linked to.

to brave death, in exchange for a coward's life, this is a tragedy; to brave death, wake up numb in the soul, which is a kind of tragic.

French thinker Montaigne said: \

courageous individual who is an essential character, the quality is not brave, we can not uphold justice; courage to society, is an indispensable virtue not brave spirit, can not do justice.

the face of evil, the three of courage shown by the language, than a man's courage with action, three of courage shown by action, than a person with a life shown courage. Some of the profound significance of the tragedy, is not the life of a brave death, but rather more the soul is dead.


in life, one person can not understand tolerance, but also not simply tolerance. A tolerant people do not understand, will lose the respect of others, a blindly tolerant people will lose their dignity.

tolerance compared with the mean, I chose tolerance. Because tolerance is lost in the past, mean lost is the future.

tolerance toward others, we should know Zican; we lenient with others, should know self-discipline.

type of tolerance is the elderly, the mean is the villain-style. Let a forgiving heart is not easy to become bitter, so bitter heart becomes a more difficult tolerance.

tolerance for people who delight, and he is happy; mean who let other people suffering, and he is uncomfortable.

tolerance produce tolerance, mean production mean, the general situation among people, probably so. Thus, tolerance is not only expressed as a mind, also expressed as a wisdom; mean not only expressed as a narrow, expressed as a short-sighted.

tolerance were respectable, mean those terrible, but it can be regarded as a character. There is a sadness in life - no personality.

I think, for friends, in addition to betray, there is no fault can not be tolerant.

One person said: I can all the people of tolerance, intolerance you alone; another one that said: I only mercy for you, all the rest are not tolerant. What actually did happen, the former and can not be condoned \

If someone has not tolerant, not gonna make it awkward to beg indulgence beg come tolerance, tolerance has never been true; if you want to forgive others, do not wait for others to beg, note live in one sentence: to always better than to be pleasant.

time trial should be done and can do two different things. Should do the world a lot, but not right away can do. When the trial, that is, those who do should be done, it can do.

to grasp the trend of the trial, the trial of poor insight when the Qi.

trial, the vision is politically, militarily is the logistics, the economy is decisive.

ancient times, political blunders, military defeat and economic failure, and inappropriate when the trial were very much concerned.

Chengdu Wuhou Ke a ruler has always been valued for many of the names together:

to hearts and minds is known since ancient times against the side from the elimination of non-belligerent forces
without trial was wrong when that is all Strict rule Sichuan need to think

Thus, Shuai Wu was not the silent soldiers of the militant poor who can minister is considered good degree of Er Shi effect and motivation to a unified people.


when the trial strategy,MBT Shoes Sale, operations and tactics; trial when the direction of management is a skill.

in Business, good business person can not become bad when we examine , good bad operator when the trial is still not well developed.

time trial, or when a kind of success seen in the latent crisis, frustration has been seen in the dawn of victory capacity. to superficial temptations is also a poor time trial.

If an outstanding diplomat, always the most appropriate time to give the most appropriate words. So, a good person, then the total is the best thing to do, choose the most appropriate time to do it.

hero. who do not have to sigh his untimely, there must be every time every time Junjie.

What is Junjie? have a saying is perfectly true: 识时务者为俊杰.

hope is hope for each tomorrow. No matter what adversity caught, people should not despair, because there are many tomorrows ahead. Optimists, in despair still hope; pessimistic, in hope or despair.

different hopes and illusions, hoping the future is very possible, is unlikely to realize the hopes of fantasy. In our life, often is not the hope but the illusion shattered. We often desire to achieve can not be painful, because as we dream of hope. But if a person with high hopes, he will be available to more than he had hoped, if a person received more than he had hoped he would feel pleasure and satisfaction. Obvious and visible, high hopes will be asking for trouble; However, hope is a waste of low intelligence.

women pin their hopes on men, men pin their hopes on their children, and their children pin their hopes on the mother. So they not only hopes others became his hopes for others. One of the reasons why a good family, is that it is full of hope.

people want something for special appearances are often performed cold; people for something special to decline, the appearance is often behave as warm. This is, in the most pure love, and the least pure of all kinds of transactions, often have a very wonderful performance.

hope for the best. Therefore, the world's most brutal thing for strangling hope. No matter how grim the reality, as long as the hope of the future, people will not easily destroyed. No matter how open is now appropriate, as long as the prospect of a bleak, pessimistic people's feelings are easily and depression. Important than the reality of the future, I hope than it is now important.

were not without hope. Therefore, when people in the hopes of one thing, they are to hope to another matter. Transfer process, often a painful and helpless in the process. Because the transfer was reluctant to happen, with a change in circumstances, the people tend to mind again in the hopes kindled the fire of the past. Earth bud Q: Where is hope? Earth replied: You are hope!


deep inside a person who does not float bath, he looks more natural to deep, those who look on Guzuoshenchen is precisely these inner floating bath may not work people.

I hope people in the deep, I was relaxed; I hope that in a relaxed crowd, I was deep.

not deliberately to imitate deep. If you are a pool of water, as long as beautiful on the line, because your beauty is irreplaceable ocean teeming. There is a broad and teeming with beauty, beauty has a scenery of beauty. Do not self-important, do not sell ourselves short.

I do not care whether other people evaluate my deep enough, I just hope I live naturally. If people do not feel tired, then Guzuoshenchen, I'd prefer to let out my little deep.

compared with ponds, lakes are deep, compared with the lakes, the ocean is deep. Some people, even a depression are far from the pond, but insisted all day like a vast sea of look, this is not funny it?

not profound, there is no deep. Who has seen the true sense of the shallow deep it? Balzac is a deep,ugg classic Short, Beethoven is a deep, Russell is also a deep, deep they have cast deep in their work among.

this world, not many people really profound, but if people have a lot of deep, this how it was? For those who particularly like Guzuoshenchen, I want to tell him a word: I am the man timid, so please do not scare me?

superficial people, like deep but not deep; deep person, not easy to easy. They are painful. The former with bitter pride, the latter suffering into joy.

I sat inside reading, hear the cicadas outside the window, Chaner not deep, but it is happy.


rejected if the first does not matter, the second is more difficult to refuse; If the second is to reject something, the best in the first resolutely refused.

can not refuse the temptation is hard to resist disasters. If the heart is the threshold, the temptation is the front foot, disaster is the rear foot. Reject others, can not bear to, rejected by others, can not forget.

If you want to refuse, stop people feel ambitious, because once turned down 10 times is rejected; If you were being rejected, do not grudge because you have refused to one else. Just as long as the reason, gladly and frankly rejected, are no reason to be blamed.

reject others to euphemism, because no one likes to be rejected; rejected by others must be generous, because the rejection of your people always has his reasons.

no one had never been rejected before. Even if love pretty sexy Ji Scerda also been 斯巴达克思 refusal; right inone even if Cao Cao, Xu Shu has also been rejected. Things that, you do not have much reason to have been rejected and depressed people.

general, to turn your people, words and heart are the same, the person receiving your request, speech and mind are sometimes not always so consistent. Therefore, the need to remind ourselves is: Do not force its way of doing things.

blind obedience, the loss of self; stubbornly refused, will lose a friend. On life, on one hand should know tolerance is a virtue, on the other hand it should not refuse anyone Xiao Ming.

between people, things promise and denial is a common occurrence. I treat a friend: promise more than the absolute refusal; friend to me: You can reject more than promised.

book rhyme

friend is not the book, the book is a friend. Friends may betray you, but always faithful to the book. How do? As the choice of books to choose, like friends, like the love of friends, to love books.

form a text book, another book of nature. In the quiet leisure time, I read the text of the book, in depressed dull, I would read the book of nature. When I came out from the text of the book, I seem to become a philosopher, when I come out from the book of nature, I seem to have become a child.

will study and those who can not read one of the main difference is: the former is always the \

for very busy people, reading is a kind of rest; for the very leisure people, reading is a job.

book is the best seasoning liquor of life.

good reading, but also potentially harmful. Reading is definitely not harmful. Fielding said: bad book is like a bad friend, you may also be harmed. That's true. But this should not go to the other extreme, exaggerated the books for the character of people. More is: good bad book reading is still good, the bad guys read the books is still bad.

of the best readers, not necessarily the best writers; of the best writers, however, must be the best readers.

when I read a terrible book, when really angry wanted to hit on the ears, but more to fight their own ears. The reason I did not do so consistently uphold, it is because once the idea into practice, my face will often become red and swollen, and even Mo Lianxian people.


bearing gas is indisputable. Not all indisputable, but not for a trivial fight, not for a moment the fight.

life, some things could have been avoided, but later it became a lose-lose case out, reason, often because of lack of tolerance either one or both.

a bearing can the self-energy is always able to concentrate, focus on the total can only make their own successful career. Otherwise, always some sort of a small chores to struggle to compete for these rumors do not bother salty not pale trouble, dried down to business much less energy, makes it difficult to get right into the dry.

in life, who can often have air degree \The reasonable person is so; on the unreasonable one persists may well be a wise.

tolerance is also a force and the performance of commonly used way of striking out. French writer Alexandre Dumas's novel \

a person usually can tolerate other people's success, others faced in their successful attack can easily deal with, this is the performance of tolerance, otherwise the performance is the lack of tolerance.

have bearing on who will benefit in the own lack of tolerance that people often dry shooting itself in the foot of the folly, the longer that clear.

ocean is a great tolerance for. If a person's mind as wide as the sea, a river turbidity is the sound of her beautiful and blue.

unique charm is the charm of nirvana. If you completely follow the epidemic is the same as the same as. So, how much charm is there?

personality, a charm with a sign of maturity.

Ingrid? Bergman, Austrian bags Korea? Hepburn, Marilyn? Monroe, Gina? 劳洛勃丽吉 up, Vivien Leigh, Jacqueline? Andre, cable fia? Roland,ugg outlet store, are all very attractive women, and their personalities are very different.

general: most of them can become a famous best-selling book, best-selling books are not necessarily famous. Between a significant difference is that classic charm with a permanent, while the best-selling book only has a short charm.

If you are a very charming person, others belittle you charming, but also show you the great charm, and even to some narrow-minded people, do not disparage you some difficult obtain spiritual balance. So, no need for such derogatory words and your angry.

a very charming man, lost his life, quiet; a very lackluster, his life would be too lonely.
lose those quiet, Auntie; too lonely persons,uggs outlet, extra headaches.

man's charm is brave, a woman's charm is subtle.

distances are attractive. There are many things that charm, that we get closer and closer or moving further and further away in the process of gradually getting larger or smaller of.

charm and often get lost in between, between hope and despair, between immature and mature, between reality and the future, between failure and success, between day and night ... ...

into material

a grand vision, and begin with the most basic method is to become useful. Some people aim too high, only keen on unconventional, even bother to do those seemingly small things, so that he can only ever be a visionary.

environment can become useful for a person is important, an old saying: \

envy of others can inspire us even more motivated; others can teach us more cautious attack; to belittle others so that we can learn more calmly; others slander allows us to become more detached. Many seem very negative things on their own, as long as proper disposal, not only will make us more mature and can become useful to speed up our pace.

I love competition and challenges, this contributes to greater play to their potential. Without strong competition, winning or honorable. Even our spiritual wealth as rich as Croesus wealth of material, it does not mean that we have become useful up. For the spiritual wealth, the most important is not how much storage, but rather use the number.

\Become useful persons in front of the journey, not the road is the trail.

to become useful people, often like to follow the fashion; swinger, often does not become useful. Become useful unique needs.

has become useful for a person who is most likely to destroy him is none other than himself.

in good times to become useful, as long as there is enough talent and a good education is enough. Become useful in the face of adversity will also need for a strong-willed people, the stress would have added his style, it is not easy to change his tendency to become useful.


