
Today divorce, you have to hold me out (after watching a lot of people cry! Very movin uggs for che

Today divorce, you have to hold me out (after watching a lot of people cry! Very moving...)

Divorce today, you have to hold out my wife that I hold you to enter the house, and want a divorce , you then I hold it out of the house.

with his wife and got married, I hold her over the. At that time we lived in a kind of a cottage, wedding car stopped in front of the time, a group of friends throw vertical me, hold her down from the car, so, in the midst of cheers, I hold She has come to the ceremony from the place. At that time the wife is the abundance of the mature shy girl, I was happy wedding robust man.
This is the scene a decade ago.
later the same day is like water in the past, to have children, sea, business, marriage turn a blind eye gradually emerged between us. To go up a little bit of money, but the feelings of the horizon is a little down, his wife in a civil service executive agencies to do every day while we work, work almost the same time, children at boarding school. In the other view, life seems to be perfect happiness. But more of this quiet happiness, the more likely there is a sudden change in probability.

I had her. When life tedious and like water is everywhere, even a kind of simple beverages and then will people think is a real pleasure. She is the Luer.

good weather, I stood on the large terrace, Luer extension of the arms, hugged me tightly from behind. My heart once again surrounded by her feelings, so I can not hardly breathe. This is the house I bought for the Luer.

Luer said to me that a man like you is the most attractive girl in the eye. I suddenly thought of his wife, just married, she seems to say one, like you, man, if successful, the most attractive girls in the eye. Think of his wife's intelligent, heart slightly to put a knot, I am well aware that their sorry for her. But not stop.
I pushed Luer hand, say you buy your furniture looking at it, still do today. Luer displeasure clear up, after all, today said that a good buy to take her furniture. On the divorce that may have been growing in my heart up, I had thought it was unlikely things, even gradually be able to imagine in the mind.

just, I do not know how to open to his wife, because I know that is bound to hurt and after opening her. I'm sorry my wife did not place, she is still busy in the kitchen preparing the evening meal, I still turn on the TV, sit there, read the news, quickly serve food, eat, and then two people together, watch TV, or is a fat man sitting in front of the computer to stay a while. Imagine Luer body, become my way of self-entertainment. Try on the wife that if we divorce, what will you say? I have a white wife, did not speak, she seemed very far away from this life. I can not imagine that once I say it, the wife of expression and ideas.
wife to the company contacted me, Luer just came out of my office. In the company's vision is to not hide things, in almost everyone with sympathetic eyes and spoke in a language that cover the time, his wife finally got the feeling that something. She is still in front of all my subordinates to their own identity with a smile, but I have no time to dodge her moment, her eyes from reading an injury.

Luer once said to me, He Ning, divorce bar, with us. I nodded my heart has extended this idea to the point where the non-said no. Wife-side on the final dish, I hold her hand. That I have something to tell you. Wife to sit down, quietly eating dinner, I remembered her eyes kind of hurt, once again, was now clearly out. Suddenly felt that some could not bear to, but to date, but can only go on. Let's divorce, my calmly talking things do not calm. Wife did not show that very special feeling, a touch to ask me why. I laughed and said: No, I am not kidding, really a divorce. Sudden change in the attitude of the wife up, she bitterly fell chopsticks, and I cried, you are not human!

night, who none of us reason, his wife cried in a low voice,uggs for cheap, I knew she wanted to know why. But I gave her the answer can not, because I have Luer I feel inside can not extricate themselves. I drafted a protocol to the wife to see, which states that will house, car, also the company's 30-share to her. Write these things, the heart is on the wife has been pregnant with apologetic, and his wife angrily took, children torn to pieces, not for me. I felt my heart actually hurt some of them faint, after all, live with a decade of love, all the tenderness will go in the future based on such a slowly past, the next day.

accompany clients to drink, half-drunk when I got home, his wife is what V was written there. I lay in bed asleep, woke up and found his wife still sitting there. I rolled over, and then fell into a deep sleep. Finally was referred to the point of non-off can not, my wife tells me declare, She did not want me to, just before the divorce, I promised her to a condition. Wife's condition is simple, is to give her a month's time, because in another month, the child had finished the summer, she did not want children to see their parents separate scenes,ugg store, and, in this month also, as before way of life.

I took the wife to write the agreement, she asked me, He Ning, do you remember how I came to marry it? Then, abruptly, those memories swarmed on the wedding, and I nod, say I remember. Wife said, is that you come hold me, but I have one condition, that is to get a divorce, then I hold you right out of the house. This provides a go, all up to you Well, I just asked this month to work every day,cheap uggs, you have to hold me out, from the bedroom to the door.

I laughed and said: Good. I think his wife is in this form to leave their marriage, or also on the last love of the reason. I will request his wife told Luer, Luer smiles some frivolous, that no matter how or divorce, what to do engage in so many complications. She seems very disdain wife, which more or less make my heart feel uncomfortable.

than one month, the first day, our actions are very stiff. Once note, we have no such intimate contact with a long time, even with routine twice a week canceled **** time every day the same as pedestrians. Clapping hands from behind his son said his father hug her mother, father hug her mother, scream I am a little sad. From the bedroom through the living room, out the door to door, 10 meters distance, the wife in my arms and gently closed eyes, told me that we start right from today, do not let children know. I nodded, just sad to go down again to the surface. I will be wife on the big door, she went to other public transport, I went to drive to work.

next day, my wife's movements are random and many, her leaning on me light, I smell her fresh clothes Hong, his wife is really old, how many days I have not so seen near her, Guangrun skin, with thin wrinkles. I have not discovered how the wife does have wrinkles, or that they had not noticed how long the familiar to the bone in his woman has it.

the third day, his wife attached to my ear told me that the yard and flower beds removed, and be more careful, do not fall down.

the fourth day, picked up his wife in the bedroom when I have a wrong impression, we still are very close to love, she still is my baby, I was heart Qubao her, and all exposed children's imagination, have become Ruoyouruowu up.

fifth day,cheap uggs, six days, his wife said in my ear every time some small details, ironed clothes hanging where to be careful when cooking not to let the oil spill was, I nodded my heart The kind of illusion have become stronger together.

I did not tell Luer it all. Feel less and less difficult, and seems to be the result of exercise, I wife said that now hold you, not very hard for.

wife in picking clothes,cheap uggs boots, I hold in the side waiting for her outside. Wife tried a few, are not suitable, their sighs, sitting there, saying that clothes are long fat. I laughed, but only half laughing, I suddenly think of themselves increasingly difficult between,ugg boots store, and not me strong, but rather lost his wife, as she pressed all the feelings of their hearts. That moment my heart ache tightly together, I reached out, trying to ask his wife's forehead.

son came in, my father, my mother was out of the hold. He urged us, it seems that these many days, I hold his wife go out to see, has become one of his program. Pull over the son's wife, hugged, and I turned his face did not go, afraid that they will all regret it can not bear to turn into a reason. Starting from the bedroom, then through the living room, door, aisle, I carried my wife, her hand to embrace the natural light and in my neck. I tightly hugged her body, feels like back to the wedding day, but his wife's body more light, but often I could not help but want to cry.

the last day, when my wife picked up, startled, where not to go. Son to school, and his wife also stared at me, said, in fact, really want to let you hold to the old. I firmly hold the wife said to her, in fact, we did not realize that life is less out of this hold you close.

stopped the car, I locked the door too late,uggs outlet, I fear the time delay will give up my idea again. I Qiaokai Men, Luer face is Xingsong. I said to her, I'm sorry Luer, I do not divorce. Do not leave the. Luer do not believe that the general looked at me, stretched out a hand touched my head, that you not have a fever ah. I opened the Luer hand, looked at her and told her, sorry Luer, I only say to you I'm sorry, I do not divorce, perhaps, before she and I just plain life of the Church because we turn a blind eye, and not no feelings, I realize. I hold her into the house, she gave me a family, we should hold her to the old, so only say sorry to you.

Luer seem only to see my anger to fan my face, then closed the door, burst into tears. I went down, drive to the company. The house will pass through the shop at work, I set out to his wife a bunch of her favorite Qingren Cao, gift shop lady brought the card to wish the words I write, I write on a smile: I would like to hold you out of the house every day, all the way to the old.

men should carefully look at every man to your success, perhaps, will have such experiences, learn it, do not let themselves get older regret, and hurt the most are children, if successful Do not wife, not as good as not successful, may also be tough times ahead, a happy ... ...


