
Mr. Chen A mainstream riches entrepreneurial myth chi hair straighteners

Shanda CEO Chen Tianqiao Chairman (SAN with map)

Mr. Chen, China, Shaoxing, Zhejiang Xinchang people, Chairman and CEO of Shanda, China's richest men. He graduated from Fudan University in Economics in 1995. In 1999, Chen start-up funding to 500 thousand yuan and 20 employees based Shanda created limited liability company, in 2001, into the online game industry, to 300,000 U.S. dollars to obtain South Korean online game company's Actoz \the exclusive rights. Since then, the grand high quality service, strict password protection in one fell swoop the core competitiveness of China's online game industry leader. In 2004, grand in the U.S. Nasdaq market,chi hair straighteners, thus ranks among the richest in China.

business process

1990 high school graduates from pigeon, was admitted to Fudan University, Department of Economics

1993 a year ahead of schedule graduated with honors from Fudan into Lujiazui Group President's Office

1994 was appointed deputy general manager of a company under the Group

1998 Lujiazui Group, left, joined the gold letters Securities

in 1999 with his wife, brother, founder of Shanda students and other people started doing cartoon site

2000, Shanda was CDC risk investment, the development of Disney's development strategy to do on-line

2001 years, Shanda Interactive Entertainment announced the formal entry into the enterprise, and has agents operating a \In Mr. Chen's leadership, grand as the world's largest network of users simultaneously online game operator, Shanda currently nearly 6000 million registered users, while more than 60 million people online, to achieve sales of tens of millions of monthly average in China has more than 65% market share and become a leader in interactive entertainment industry.

2002, Shanda Network Annual turnover reached 680 million yuan, net profit of 100 million yuan

2003, he was elected alternate member of the Chinese Communist Youth League Central Committee

2003 was awarded the world's leading venture capital firms Softbank Venture Capital Group, 40 million U.S. dollars, total contributions to the Hope Project so has nearly 10 thousand yuan.

2004 years ago, Tang Jun, president of Microsoft China to join a grand term president, Chen continued to serve as grand chairman and chief CEO, NASDAQ-listed Shanda. As of July 2004, has become the second largest market value of Internet companies in China.

2004 年 5 17, a sunny day, Chen, as usual, went to work early. The day before, Mr. Chen founded and served as chairman of Shanghai Shanda Network in the U.S. Nasdaq Stock Exchange, a week later, stock price of 17 U.S. dollars from 11 U.S. dollars washed up high, Shanda market capitalization of 6.5 billion yuan , Chen held Shanda stock market capitalization as high as 50 billion yuan.

At this time, Mr. Chen's personal wealth value than NetEase founder William Ding in 2003 the U.S. \Knowledge to create wealth as a representative of the new economy, Chen refresh the knowledge owners to accumulate wealth Speed: Shanda was founded only four years of wealth from 50 million 12,000-fold surge in venture capital, main business is across the cultural industries and Interactive entertainment Internet industry. High-speed accumulation of wealth, relies on the knowledge capital of technological change provides advanced productive forces, the source of their wealth, clean and transparent, there is no \

the same day, Chen also has a symbolic significance as another: he became the birth of a new generation of knowledge-based representative of the red Chihpen home. 2004, Chen has had 10 years of party standing, and in 2003 was elected alternate member of the Chinese Communist Youth League Central Committee.

in the loneliness of temper

1973 years, Mr. Chen was born in the town of Xinchang County, Zhejiang chengtan a small village called Dongkeng Ping, was born, my grandparents that this major胖小子 showing great promise, coupled with Mr. Chen's parents had already left the village, working in the city, then named him the flyover, which means Chen beyond the bounds of the bridge.

Mr. Chen's parents were intellectuals, the father is an engineer Instrument Factory, Shanghai navigation, mother Xinchang Chengguan secondary English teachers. Ping living in Dongkeng soon, his mother took Mr. Chen received the Chengguan town kindergarten, Dongkeng Ping Chen left a small village at the foot of Grand Buddha Temple in Xinchang spent his childhood.

far, Chen has a particular floor of the Dongkeng feelings, after all, has his roots here. Chen's aunt told reporters that the Ching Ming Festival last year, the thick of things back from Shanghai, Mr. Chen and a small mountain village, to visit grandparents.

when in Xinchang Chengguan, Chen often go home chengtan. Once back, Chen saw two big cock in the battle, they squatted on the roadside with relish seeing more than half an hour, until the cock they do not want to fight exhaustion, and actors and the audience was depressed and unfocused.

back Chengguan, Chen quickly wrote a Feedback, and to the teacher. Discussion on Strategy ball Chengguan Ming primary school teacher is Mr. Chen fourth, fifth grade class teacher and language teacher, after reading that wonderful article, put the article be sent to \

secondary schools in Xinchang file room, and now you see that Wang Li Hong teacher to Mr. Chen's conduct reviews, there is a said: \

\, children inevitably emotional, so deliberately not so keen on the class activities. \

Chen Tianqiao \College students, according to Chen describes, when studying Chen is definitely a \Mr. Chen, Department of Economics, Fudan University 18 years into the study, a grade,ugg outlet store, is a scholar studying hard at the whole system performance ranked first. Junior year, Chen was also awarded the Shanghai Municipal Education Committee and the group \Junior year, only 21-year-old Chen will credit course, a Fudan University, 18 students graduated a year early.

at Fudan University, Chen can be said to fame: his 17-year-old admitted to Fudan University, 19-year-old able to join the Communist Party of China, graduated from the Shanghai Shi Hai won the only \.....\the reasons for the Shanghai Pudong New Area. At that time, the development of Pudong New Area has just begun, many Shanghai citizens still time to give up this prime location in Lujiazui, the choice share of suites, single rooms in Puxi, Chen made his own vision of life, the first far-sighted choice.

1993 years of summer, Chen and other outstanding achievements of 17 outstanding graduate students the chance year in advance. The noise of graduation is also still in front, he unexpectedly ushered up to 10 months were \a small room, showing a video presentation about the Group, a place actually on the release of 10 months.

10 months, Mr. Chen could not talk to others about their lofty ideals, there is no way a simple show of his work, to display their talents and aspirations ....。 . The first time he experienced a huge drop in life. 20-year-old Mr. Chen only enjoy the taste of loneliness, and loneliness of the boundless wealth into the future.

\to find a not so \But Mr. Chen's excels is in, he soon realized that loneliness is an excellent opportunity to strengthen their will. During this time, he read many books with great concentration, the formation of his management style was unique color. \such a background, I can endure 10 months of loneliness, hiding in a small room up video, I feel this young man on the back or some revelation. how many young people feel about yourself, to be doing that, That should be dry, but no matter what, we must first adapt to the environment, rather than waiting for the environment to suit you. \Mr. Chen served as the house has a selection of more than 200 corporate vice president. Later, Mr. Chen recalled that the day if that extend 10 months, he may insist on not going, and today the road of life may also become like the other one.

during the testing exercise, from Fudan University, Department of Economics of education so that he has an excellent strategic, rather lonely for him to overcome the general temper ambitious young man, not down to earth defects. In this enterprise, he implemented a series of reform measures, and begin to form their own unique tactics and management style. Soon,uggs for sale, he was directly promoted to chairman and president of the secretary.

in Lujiazui Group temper in 4 years, Mr. Chen's administration has been deeply marked by the traditional concept of the brand. He is very respected company in the strict traditional thick, soundly based management style. So, in the beginning when the founder of Shanda, Chen on corporate culture and that the grand era of the popular Internet companies (. Com company) to distinguish. He repeatedly warned the staff, big business people use the traditional system of strict discipline and rigorous demands of ourselves, from the beginning, the grand to do a color to the mainstream culture of enterprise. Even the big logo also reflects the idea of his big Internet companies have no choice generally preferred to do their own identification of bright colors color, but a steady use a combination of red and gray.

left after Lujiazui Group, Mr. Chen joined a securities firm, and met his life the most important person is beautiful loving wife Luo flourishing. Meanwhile, the market has a keen sense of Mr. Chen quickly accumulate the initial capital. At this point, the Internet heat wave came.

to the Internet

to 1999, securities industry Chen no longer attractive, he decided to leave, set foot on. Com crest.

1999 capital rush for the year is a year of the Internet. The Internet mode is then set up a Web site, and then to win venture capital. Mr. Chen's brother Byran was in a network company. Chen brothers a familiar Internet, a familiar capital market, the thought of creating websites.

\\cartoons, games can only be transmitted through telephone lines. \

1999 年 11 months, Mr. Chen told CDC to invest in looking for a small site that chance. After identifying, Chen was selected a few students from the Fudan University to establish a community-based, this community has a lot of popularity at that time. Mr. Chen will tell their own ideas, so that they will have to change this community more attractive. And he went to contact CDC.

discussions were concluded, Chen quickly registered a capital of 50 million, Shanda Interactive Entertainment Limited, recruited some 20 people, began operating stame.com. The company set up its mind not to become a major portal site, but to find another way to become the largest graphics and virtual communities.

community building at the time of this very characteristic, not only during the day, and night hours, and each community of users can not reap without sowing, hungry, need to work the land, and then harvest the things made food sold for money, but only those with money to live in the community. This is in fact a kind of similar to the interactive online game community. This idea is then shared by many websites, we are in the ratio of investment to see who can most quickly be found.

grand founded at the beginning, coincided with the rapid expansion of the Internet bubble. Therefore, in the first few months, made a grand to do \Chen Tianqiao chosen as the first breakthrough cartoon network, launched China's first graphical online virtual community game \Just a few months, relying on the efforts already have 1 million grand or so registered users, and in January 2000 was the CDC 3 million U.S. dollars in venture capital.

investment to get, but the CDC believes that virtual communities alone is not enough to result in higher page views, so they ask a grand change in business direction. \different approaches, such as the entertainment industry around a brand Chibi Maruko, able to operate on her animation, books, games, and even clothing and many other peripheral industries. so we decided not to gaming community, and to do animation site, so both parties need to bring investment views, while not very far away from the online game community. \of the cartoon magazine, and gradually get the Audi, Rejoice and other big companies to do list online animated ads, this time a grand a month to have hundreds of thousands in revenue.

However, the good thing is, the second half of 2000, the Internet bubble began to collapse in Internet stocks has fallen sharply, as investors withdrew, China's Internet industry is also an unprecedented depression, a large number of sites start to close.

crisis, Chen began to reflect on Shanda cartoon model of development. \May 2001, CDC grand three million U.S. dollars there are one million U.S. dollars is not credited into account, this time on a grand challenge CDC. Mr. Chen is a big cartoon strategy game + magazine + Flash ads forced deletion, the company's staff reduction from 50 to 20 people, all non-game division teams are all cleared.

order to continue the cause, Chen decided to abandon the network animation, but the focus of the next step where he himself is also very confused. At this point just to the South Korean game developer Wemade Entertainment Shanghai to find partners ready to promote their development of online game \Wemade the first to find the Shanghai Animation Association, animation, online games is the association do not know why, and then to recommend to the Chen Tianqiao South Korean manufacturers.

Mr. Chen won the game, his first hands-on play. By default, the server he was connected to South Korea, but he did not understand Korean. He also connected to the \Although the speeds are slow, and Chen Tianqiao, or that \Play later, Chen was unable to stop.

Chen Tianqiao referrals to the CDC operation \Mr. Chen hopes CDC will bring the remaining 1 million dollars to use. CDC does not agree, Chen insists to do online games, the two sides \Mr. Chen and the company eventually get back all the shares and still retain at least 300,000 U.S. dollars to get a \

1981, the arcade game from Japan in China, and quickly spread nationwide. 1987 to Nintendo's home console represented into China, but Nintendo had to make pirated software from China is not popular 8-bit machine market money. In 1992, SBC coming PC era, Europe and the United States, Japan, Taiwan has a classic game into China, but they seem powerless in the face of piracy, since the market scale of around only 300 million.

and even today in 2003, the network game in the global video game industry's share has more than just 1%, are popular MMORPG in China?

all,kids uggs sale, constitute the CDC's concerns.

However, Chen saw that, in July 1999, the world's first graphical online game Ultima Online in the civil simulation server appears in the mainland, this is the real graphical online games . July 2000, the first true graphical MUD Chinese network game \Herein, a very important message is: As the online games with online authentication server, so basically solved the piracy problem. The \One important data is the online game market in 2000 revenues of 030 million, compared to 300 million in 2001, annual growth rate of 900%, and occupy half of the domestic video game market!

Therefore, after weighing the CDC made in the multi-divestment.

give up and get

Sometimes, the key to success lies not in how to \Abandon the cause of success or failure in determining the future play a more important role.

as entrepreneurs, Mr. Chen, now faces stark choice. He began to realize that such enterprises are to survive under difficult circumstances, must be discarded, can only save the power, through the woods.

Chen Tianqiao familiar with Marx and Lenin, in particular, from Mao Zedong's military theories, realized a lot of ways to do business. He concluded that, in the situation of the weak against the strong, the Chinese Communist Party to grow and succeed in the end, a very important point is that concentrating a superior force to destroy, to find the weakest link of the enemy breakthrough. He also applied this strategy to a grand corporate strategies, and rely on it to lead a grand out of the predicament.

reflect on their own business gains and losses over the past year, Chen found that \He decided to abandon the original division of the four business unit to focus all resources and energies into the business of online games. At that time, Korea had an earlier start online game industry, the Government has invested huge funds and resources to support Korean online games in development already has a very significant first-mover advantage,uggs sale, in fact, Korean is the use of a specific time method of concentrating a superior force, and thus the success of online game industry. So how do striking it big? Mr. Chen recalled that time the idea is: \. So we start from the operator to select a starting point to find a breakthrough strategy. \

2001 年 6 29, recommended by the Shanghai Animation Association,ugg online, Shanda, and South Korea signed a licensing agreement Actoz, Shanda 30 million in royalties and 27% of the share, to obtain South Korean online game \\At this time,cheap kids ugg, Mr. Chen can be described as Last Stand. 300 thousand U.S. dollars is the grand final of the family property children, to the Korean people for the copyright fee, grand remains of the money only to maintain the operation of the last month. However, it is this last month, making a grand back from the dead, into the vista of the New World.

2001 年 9 months, \By the end of November, \

grand succeeded in changing the pattern of the gaming industry. Shanda company in November 2001, when a network game, the Chinese online game market share of more than 80% are operating in Japan JSS's \and other game operators in the hands of China Taiwan. Just one and a half years, a grand to \It is estimated that in 2002 the grand stand to gain more than 600 million yuan, net profit of more than 100 million yuan, the daily income of more than 1 million yuan.

same time, however, as the market, \can not be guaranteed, leading to frequent complaints from users, into a grand start withholding Actoz's fees, a grand collaboration with Actoz cracks. February 2003, Koreans announced the suspension of cooperation with Shanda, and find another company agent \News, Actoz immediately halved the value of shares, it is estimated that the loss of both total more than 100 million U.S. dollars.

situation forced, under the direction of big business once again make a major adjustment: change agents from a network of game products for the main independent property developer. Mr. Chen recognized that self-developed software, the rise of nation game, will increase China's online game industry chain enterprises in the competitive position, but also makes the online gaming industry healthier, more conducive to national culture. Many people believe that online games for Wanwusangzhi view, Chen believes that young people are the recipients of new things, when the new technology brings new media revolution, the youth are the first attempt. But young people also are weak willpower, lack of recognition. Therefore, just as the Internet emerged, like many people are worried about online games for young people adversely affected. Mr. Chen believes that this issue is a temporary transition period, localized phenomena, online games as a new form of entertainment, blocking is Dubu Zhu, and only Chinese enterprise has its own advanced technology, the occupation of the new cultural front, entertaining, to spread the Chinese culture of excellence, is the correct way.

Shanda has been determined to give up home in, you can easily \April 2002, Shanda announced the formation of R & D investment 40 million yuan. In 2004, the R & D department has developed to a size of 200, have acquired and the shares South Korea, the United States, Japan's development company. In 2003, the grand self-developed \country, \Although the initial grand into the research and development, many people looked, and wondered grand R & D capability, but the facts show grand themselves. The success of its market to other independent businesses to invest in Chinese online game R & D played a great incentive to drive the entire nation game software industry to flourish.

2004 年 1 month, Mr. Chen step down as president, as chairman of Shanda Interactive Entertainment Limited. And invited the former president of Microsoft China as the Tang Jun, president of Disney's desire to build a media empire in China. With the favorable factors, the grand May 13, 2004 successfully listed on NASDAQ. Chen super-rich individuals become new favorites. By foreign media as \

him to 31 years old young, worth 8.8 billion yuan in one fell swoop into the super wealthy, just a few years of business experience to create a new history of the Chinese myth of individual entrepreneurship. The opening of China's online game market was still booming, every day millions of players into infatuation. A Huiyanshizhu hero Xiangxi story, so today he became the leisurely big boss ... ...

> Related reports: Mr. Chen dazzled the game: Disney's dream becomes reality on Mr. Chen's first grand tour Oriental traditional business model will not repeat entrepreneur: Mr. Chen's media impulse

