
12 kinds of food the most support men ugg outlet store

According to statistics, 10 men and four leading causes of death in diet-related, including cancer, cerebrovascular disease, heart disease and diabetes. The following 12 kinds of foods are beneficial to men's health, suggests that men eaten in abundance.
No.1 sour tomato tomato can promote the secretion of gastric juice, to help digest proteins, also rich in vitamin C can be combined with the relationship between cells, to produce collagen , strong blood vessels.
No.2 soy
many people are plant hormones that soy is beneficial to women, does not know that soy is an excellent food for men. For example, eat soy products in Japanese men suffering from prostate cancer less than Western men. And soybeans to improve the men as effective as bone loss. Men over the age of 60, bone loss will begin, as a serious situation and menopausal women. And eat more beans to add lecithin, lecithin has been shown to correlate with the short-term memory and learning ability.
No.3 pumpkin seed

men after 40 years of age, most people have BPH problems. A U.S. study found that for patients with BPH who took pumpkin seed extract, has helped reduce the number of patients with overactive bladder, but also improve other symptoms. And pumpkin seeds are the best source of vitamin E can be aging. Pumpkin seeds can be bought in the general supermarket, some products are a variety of mixed nuts can be sprinkled on salad consumption, or on weekdays when the snack food.
No.4 carrot

B-carotene will be converted into vitamin A, the body's resistance, inhibition of reactive oxygen species leading to cell deterioration and so on. Besides, rich in potassium, which helps lower blood pressure, and the effect of food fiber can stabilize the digestive system. B-carotene rich carrots are so popular because it can prevent cancer.
No.5 seafood
seafood can enhance sexuality. Male semen contains a lot of zinc, when the body of zinc deficiency may affect the quantity and quality of sperm. The food seafood oysters, shrimp, crab most abundant of zinc, a small oyster is almost equal to the demand of zinc a day (15 mg).
In addition, oyster glycogen, or taurine because of its rich, with elevated liver function, and nourish the physical.

Garlic Garlic has a strong sterilizing power, it can destroy invading bacteria in vivo. In addition, it can promote the absorption of vitamin B1, and promote the metabolism of carbohydrates to produce energy and reduce fatigue. Another can not be ignored is the boost the immune function of garlic. Garlic contains lead selenide, an antioxidant, is seen as anti-cancer food. Men can improve the physical and physical services.
No.7 high vitamin C foods

men after the age of 24 quality and quantity of sperm in the decline, if there is an old drug can not to the aging of sperm vitality again, that is, vitamin C. Obstetrics and Gynecology University of Texas Experimental results show that taking 1,000 mg per day for men, vitamin C, taking 60 consecutive days,ugg outlet store, their sperm count increased by 60%, activity increased by 30%, abnormal sperm also decreased.
No.8 whole wheat bread

said pressure is often around the clock sprint business men, the pressure can not be comfortable casual, on the use of tobacco and alcohol to cover up fatigue and reduce stress. To combat stress, vitamin B group is very important. These include B1, B2,MBT Shoes Sale, B6,ugg boots outlet, B12 and folic acid, nicotinic acid, can maintain the stability of the nervous system,uggs on sale, increase energy metabolism and helps fight stress. Whole grain foods such as whole wheat bread, brown rice, Pei Yami, etc., are rich in vitamin B group. And whole wheat bread is a complex carbohydrate, you can slow the release of energy, with the stabilization effect, to relaxation, not tension.
No.9 Water

75% of the human brain is water, dehydrated first affected organ is the brain , too little water will make people tired, the reaction Pianman. 1 day to finish at least two bottles of mineral water (about 2000 ml). >>> Drink, you really will it?
pressure deep-sea fish, but also for men suffering from hyperlipidemia, stroke, lower the age. Deep-sea fish in the omega 3 fatty acids may prevent blood clotting, reduce blood vessel contraction, lower triglycerides, etc., on the cardiovascular system particularly useful. Fish rich in Omega 3 fatty acids include mackerel spent fish, Pacific saury, grouper, salmon, etc., can replace the food, but remember to eat two fish at least 1 week.
No.11 green tea Green tea is rich in black tea

do not have vitamin C. Vitamin C helps prevent colds and skin beauty is not a lack of nutrients. In addition, glutamate is also rich in anti-aging, boost the immune system aspartic acid, amino acids with physical nourishment. Also has a diuretic to eliminate the pressure, with enhancing the role of caffeine, blood pressure and other flavonoids.
No.12 red wine if you must drink,uggs for cheap, they drink red wine. Because red wine grape skin antioxidant polyphenols, retained in the liquor, you can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease; and comparison of various wines, wine purine (uric acid the body makes up the material) rather low. In addition, red wine can improve antioxidant to prevent atherosclerosis. According to a recent study that, for Alzheimer's disease can also be effective, a senior community indispensable drinks. But the wine still has calories, nutritionists recommend the daily control of the 60cc or less.

women need 10 kinds of health food

now essential to meet the material needs of people, so more people concerned about the health side, here ten of the women very useful health food.

ten women need the best health food

protect brain: spinach

because it has carotene and superoxide dismutase enzyme component \What are \Followed by the leeks, onions, peas angle, tomatoes, carrots, green cabbage, beans, garlic leaves and other vegetables, walnuts, peanuts, pistachios, cashews, pine nuts, almonds and other foods shell,ugg boots uk, and brown rice, Zhu Gantang are all worth When you choose Bunao.

eye: sweet potato

vitamin A known as the \

vitamin A is formed by the carotenoid change. In addition to carrots, the sweet potato is also rich in carotene-rich, providing a wealth of vitamin A, can improve visual acuity, sweet potato and eat it good for the skin.

Hair: Kelp

Speaking of hair

food, maybe you know a lot, for example, make the hair black, black sesame,cheap uggs, make the ginger hair growth or make hair shiny walnut. But you know that food hair's all-around champion is? It is the kelp, nutrition experts believe that regular consumption of seaweed iodine in the body not only to add elements, but also the growth of hair, moisture, shine also has a special effect.

protect the lung: Tomato

Britain's latest study found that eating tomatoes three times a week or more to prevent respiratory diseases, protect the lung from bacterial infection. However, with the tomato lycopene content of soluble sugar content is inversely proportional, that is, the more non-sweet tomatoes, where the higher the lycopene content.

leggings: Banana

potassium rich foods rich banana is the number one \Number two \

care center: deep-sea fish

German experts have posted a set of experiments to prove this: Stick to 50 grams of fish per day can reduce 40% of heart disease, especially deep-sea fish to eat better. Fish in contained unsaturated fatty acids, is known as \

and kidney: Black

Since ancient times, black beans on

known as \Not only are they sweet and peaceful, Chinese medicine, it also has kidney physical, Blood and Water, detoxification, moisturizing effectiveness, especially for those kidney.

Huwei: Brassica

cabbage is one of the World Health Organization recommends the best vegetables, known as natural \Suffering from gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer, doctors will recommend eating cabbage. Every day you can eat cabbage mixed with honey, this law is to promote ulcer healing.

Armor: egg

healthy nails are pink, because there is sufficient blood supply. If the abnormal nail changes, are often symptoms of nutritional deficiency or other potential cause of. The high-protein diet is necessary to maintain healthy fingernails, the egg is to obtain a good source of protein.

Skin Care: West Blue Flower

It is not only nutritious, taste great, or the famous \It is rich in vitamin A, vitamin C and carotene, can enhance the ability of the skin's resistance to damage, helps to maintain skin elasticity. Food nutrition you? Is to provide you with a whole body of the \


