
The 13 kinds of practices taste trotter ugg classic Short

1, halogen trotters

material: trotter 450 grams, 38 grams peanuts, 1 package spice, a little parsley. MSG 1 / 6 tsp, 19 grams of crystal sugar, soy sauce, 1 tablespoon butter seamount 1 / 4 tsp.

1. trotter cut, the water burns out.
2. will trotter, ① materials, peanuts and spices together with a high heat for 15 minutes.
3. cooked stewed trotters into a large bowl, on the home decoration coriander.

Note: seamount sauce is a sweet and spicy sauce flavored with five of its raw materials are mostly five-spice, sugar, vinegar, chili sauce, and starch.

Second, onions stewed trotters

ingredients: onions 50 grams, trotter 4, salt amount.

production: the trotters pulling wool pile, washed cuttings mouth; the onion and cut into sections, together with the trotters into the pot, add water, amount and a little salt, first 武火 Shaofei, after with a boil and simmer until the Shulan Serve.

effects: blood swelling. Apply to blood deficiency, limb pain, swelling, sore throat, etc.

3, braised trotters

ingredients: 750 grams trotter.

seasoning: salt, onion in each 13 grams, 8 grams ginger, sesame oil, cooking wine 25 grams each, pepper 5, 50 grams of crystal sugar, soup, 1,300 grams.

(1) Wash the trotters shaving, Duoqu Zhao Jian split in half, placed in cold water after the water fully cooked. Ginger, onion shoot break standby.
(2) with Chao Shao will be little sesame oil hot, add crystal sugar containing fried purple colors show up soup for the degree adjusted to light red.
(3) by adding trotter, wine, onions, ginger, salt, pepper, soup boil remove floating foam,ugg classic Short, painted with fire very badly trotter, the move to a small fire Dunlan, income juicy Serve .

four trotters melon mushroom soup

ingredients: dates 30g, Astragalus, Lycium, each with 12 grams Angelica 5 grams

material: pig forepaw 1, gourd 300 grams, 250 grams of tofu, mushrooms 30 grams, ginger 5, salt, a little

1. mushrooms washed net soaked stalks, cut sponge Wash and peel, cut tofu alternative.
2. pig forepaw to wash hair chop block, into the boiling water cook for 10 minutes,MBT Shoes Sale, picked up water rinse, Astragalus, Angelica into the filter bag and reserve.
3. pot into medicine,ugg bailey button boots, trotter, mushrooms, ginger and 10 cups of water to boil after the fire, Gaixiao cook over medium heat until meat Shulan (about 1 hour), re-entry loofah, tofu added in 5 minutes, and finally season with salt.

effects: blood, meridians, under the breast for postpartum physical weakness, insufficient milk.

five large sea cucumber hoof Pa

Ingredients: water, sea cucumber 750 grams, trotters 2.

Sauce: vegetable oil 800 grams (actual consumption of about 50 grams, 100 grams of cooked large oil, root ginger, soy sauce with 15 grams of cooking wine 25 grams, Congjiang oil, salt each 20 grams, 50 grams of sugar, monosodium glutamate 5 grams, 25 grams onion, sugar, a little color, wet corn starch, chicken 1.5 kg.

(1) trotter scrape clean, the outside draw knife, cooked with water , remove moisture into the fire control to 7 percent in hot vegetable oil Chao Shao, until golden brown, remove and drain. sea cucumbers washed and I, with a straight blade two and a half later use.
(2) Chao Shao will large oil and fried onions Heat fan, crushed ginger and cooking wine and soy sauce into the MSG, chicken broth and salt, sugar color. the potential into the Chao Shao, the sprinkle trotter, boil 1 hour to trotter turn over, and then low heat to simmer trotter Black, into the plate. the onions, ginger are taken out, remove the pad, the sea cucumber into the spoon, 3 minutes, thicken with wet starch, Linru Congjiang oil Serve. < br>
characteristics: bright red color, hoof quality in Hong rotten, delicious cucumber foam.

6, brine trotters

< br> Please butcher cut open trotters, a copy home boiling water, washed Xue Mo, on a pot of cold water, down into the trotter pieces, add soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, dark soy, sugar, ginger, onion, aniseed, cloves, cinnamon, kaempferol, Angelica, Amomum, cardamom (spice for each increase of only pellets), the fire to boil, 微火 simmer until soft rot, dip overnight, remove and cool before eating, Hong! rotten! waxy ! not have to say!

cook 8 eggs, stripping down into the remaining soup and cook 10 minutes, soak overnight in the morning there is brine egg eat together. this soup condiments and spices may be added, recycling, brine juice ah well.

7, Red Pa trotters

materials: fertilizer trotter 4, select the net hair root, open Shuitang to bloody water boiled,uggs for sale, remove the water after the input width, adding halogen material, rice wine, sugar fire boil, turn the small fire stew cooked rotten, out to dismantle as much as possible to maintain the integrity of trotters, split after a good backup.

the trotter spread your dark soya sauce, dry frying pan under the leather, sugar, color can be fixed, and the other from the saute pan to Cong Jiang, the input trotter, add two tablespoons of good wine , rock sugar or granulated sugar tablespoon broth had no raw materials, salt, soy sauce, MSG, boil juice collection, carefully tape the trotters asked the code, the remaining juice can be poured over the top.

salty mouth , sticky aroma, beauty Yen, eutrophic.

8, braised trotters

Ingredients: trotters

seasoning: crystal sugar, aniseed, pepper, onion, ginger, soy sauce, cooking wine, salt, sesame oil.


1 first trotter cut in half, put into the boiling water blanched, discolored, remove, rinse water floating at the end.

2 onions cut into sections, crushed ginger slices with a knife after.

3 wok add sesame oil, burning heat, add rock sugar, (usually about four trotters put 10 years of rock sugar.) very badly burned rock sugar to melt

4 adding pepper, aniseed, burst flavor, add Cong Jiang, cooking wine, soy sauce next trotter, burn after speculation, no water had trotters.

5 boil, adjust salt good taste.

6 trotter soft, low heat very badly burned, the fire enlarge close to the thick soup, you can leaves the pot.

OK, you can enjoy a scented braised trotters.

9 , trotter vinegar

pig knuckles 1, Laocu a small branch, a piece of ginger, dried chilli, soy sauce, garlic and a whole grain, sugar (rock candy better)

1. pig knuckles to the hair, cut block, next to the bloody water boiled, wash.

2. ginger into large flat shot, and pig knuckles with the next block Guo Chao (free oil), began weeping Add garlic when the (whole),ugg classic Short, 3-4 dried chilli, a little soy sauce, vinegar and bring to boil and semi-supported.

3. not all the material with water, cook until trotter erosion, sugar, test taste, not sour vinegar.

10, crystal sugar peanut

trotters Ingredients: 450 g trotters , 38 g peanuts, spices a package, a little parsley. MSG 1 / 6 tsp, 19 grams of crystal sugar, soy sauce, 1 tablespoon butter seamount 1 / 4 tsp.

1. trotters cut block, the water burns out.
2. will trotter, ① materials, peanuts and spices together with a high heat for 15 minutes.
3. cooked stewed trotters into a large bowl, on the home decoration coriander .

Notes: seamount sauce is a sweet and spicy sauce flavored with five of its raw materials are mostly five-spice, sugar, vinegar, chili sauce, starch

11, trotter soup

soy ingredients: pig feet 500 grams, 50 grams of soy

spices: ginger, green onions, salt < br>
1, pig's feet washed in boiling water about Billy. soybean soak in water for a while.
2, put a pressure cooker beans, pig's feet, ginger cook for 20 minutes. < br> 3, add chopped green onion, seasoning edible.

12, spicy beauty hoof

main Ingredients: 750 grams of Health trotters Ingredients: pepper, red pepper, green onion, ginger, garlic, sesame,ugg boots outlet, rice wine, salt, MSG, rock sugar, aniseed, cinnamon, geraniol, etc..

production process:
The first step, first of Health trotters on the fire burning about to hair, then cut into the pan and deep fry Epidermal massive coke.

second step, the micro-focus of the trotters and deep fry Billy look into the hot water, remove the pills only to discover.

third step, the crystal sugar into the pan fried caramel color, alternate.

fourth step, the aniseed , geraniol, cinnamon, onion, ginger, garlic into the pan and fry, a flavor system, and then add wine, add water, the Cheuk good trotters into the water boils, about 1 hour. In the process add salt and MSG, but also to constantly made of caramel color added to the water, so trotter color.

fifth step, the cooked trotters remove,chi hair straighteners, plate and serve. then pepper and red chili pepper with a little oil stir to yellowish, leaves the pot, pour the trotter on, then sprinkle on some of its sesame seeds.

taste characteristics: spicy salty dishes

Efficacy: beauty beauty

13, peanut stew Izume

200 grams of peanuts, pigs claws 2 , salt, onion, ginger, rice wine the right amount.
pigs claws and hair removed, washed cuttings in mouth, into the pot, add peanuts, salt, onion, ginger, rice wine, some water, Shaofei with 武火 after the switch to slow fire Aozhi thick Shulan, with the amount of food.

effect: the treatment of qi.


