
Company like a barrel - you certainly know that the famous barrel theory a barre ugg adirondack boo

Installed depends on how much water the length of the shortest piece of wood, not the longest piece - the analogy seems to also be extended to look, how much water a wooden bucket can be mounted not only depends on the length of each piece of wood, but also on The combination of wood and wood is close between. If the wood and the wood crack or crevice between the large, the same can not be filled. You may think that my comprehensive ability is superior, but a team of combat effectiveness, not only depends on each member's ability, but also on members and mutual cooperation among members, cooperate, and Zhe Yang to balance, integrate tightly De Xing Cheng a powerful whole.

\should strive to create a supportive human resource environment, including: advocacy for the group members consider the issue more, leaving enough time for all exchanges, as well as members of confidence in the ability to achieve results. These support the practice of helping organizations to team taken the necessary step, because these steps to promote a deeper coordination, trust and mutual appreciation. Managers need to do a good communication platform architecture.

worthy of note that,ugg adirondack boots, although in the company, Taoyuan, this small team has three brothers gang suspects, but we Taoyuan three brothers \It is a typical manifestation of the team.


team pride every member of the team want to have a glorious, but there is often a glorious team of its own unique sign. If the absence of such signs, or signs that were damaged, the staff member's sense of pride as a team will be gone. Many managers do not know ignorance, pride, team members, it is the members willing to sacrifice for the team's spirit.

Therefore, from the creation of the company's image system, to encourage all departments and project teams to create a heroic sub-culture, the creativity of the team will have a positive, far-reaching impact.

3. Let every member be matched with the role of team members

must have the competence to perform the functions and good cooperation with other team members. Only in this way, each member will know their role, know their functions in each process in the working position, and on a process and next process. Only in this way, each person into the team can really become a team member. If it reaches this point, members will be able to under the terms of the needs of quick action, not be under the command Somebody - in other words, team members can be spontaneous according to the work required to respond and take appropriate action to accomplish team goals .

example, a surgical team at the hospital, if a link no one at the right time according to the requirements to perform their duties properly, the patient will be in danger. By the same token, the company will provide the service quality of dereliction of duty as a person can not be guaranteed.

Therefore, efficient team needs every member to be able to match with the role and asked everyone go all out.

4. to set a challenging target

team supervisor is responsible for the overall goal to inspire the whole team effort, rather than on individual workload. If done well,ugg boots outlet, a working model may play a leading role; but in a different working environment, this approach is very likely to blow the team cooperation.

correct approach is for the team set a challenging target, and to encourage each member of the team spirit of collaboration. When people realize that, go all out can be achieved only if all the members of this objective, this goal will concentrate on the staff's attention, the small number of internal conflicts are often the bring an end to the. At this point, if there are selfish people, other people will condemn him regardless of the overall situation. This can form a more closely united team.

5. the right of performance evaluation

an effective performance appraisal system usually consists of two forms of assessment: formal assessment and timely assessment of daily management. Company was to conduct performance evaluation, first of all yes hope to staff assessment, determine whether they are competent, so Qieshibaozheng them and Zhi Wei's Pipei, Bao Chou, Pei Xun and other more scientific, this is the performance evaluation of the assessment He Xing; followed through performance evaluation is to help employees find out the real reason for their poor performance to inspire potential employees, we called this the development of performance evaluation.

closely related with the performance evaluation work, is how to scientifically paid. As a team, the recognition of all forms of employee performance,uggs on sale, these reward systems,chi straighteners, first in the design should show \Whether monetary compensation or monetary reward, which should aim is to stimulate the creativity of employees and team spirit.

When a project team or an outstanding staff, we need to be rewarded through performance evaluation. We often find that only the payment of money or simply issuing a certificate is not enough, but must also grant money and awards. For example, in prize money, but also presenting the \In this way, those bills will become rich emotional, very excited.

\The so-called \

Please read this section focus on:

\almost a myth. cause this to happen because, may be due to management's mercenary, seriously hurt the value of human dignity, dedication and even become the object of being ridiculed. enterprises into the inadequacy of the difficulties, can remain as a only the \key personnel decisions guiding influence produced, which can create a value-based labor relations and cultivate a strong sense of community and high staff loyalty. As a manager, you only need a good barrel hoop.

above text is reproduced in: Cheng Junyi】 【boiled three fragments

2006-6-29 17:31 Reply

222.90.172 .* 2 F

new broom sweeps clean

Liu Bei took office, But Cautious. The joy, he suddenly has nearly 2 million yuan of assets management companies, boarded the first career peak. The bad news is first assumed office, people scattered, flawed bunch. Chen Deng told him: \barrel. \ideas available to help me ah! I am a multitude of things, simply do not know where to began! \. how to make employee satisfaction, there are generally three ways, commonly known as the 'new broom sweeps clean'. \Chen Deng said: \
Liu Bei shook his head and said: \House sewer toilet block for two months, a few good sales desk damaged. you can put the company renovated again, replacing office furniture, so the company a new look. \shook his head and said: \... ... \Deng laughed: \Deng remained calm and smiled: \The results of the investigation, what to do with it then? \them from the current transfer of annoying things, and those who appear to lead to the wrong place of their own. Once an end, employees have no time to blame, how would you not satisfied with this new government then? \>
Liu Bei suddenly realized, said: \is a kind of office politics, what do you have a better way? \

Then he sighed heavily and said: \Liu Bei's general manager once again went into the office, handed him a draft design of the questionnaire:

staff questionnaire (A)

Please answers the following questions:

1. do you think exist in the management of what issues?

2. you think that the ability of the new general manager in which deficiencies? How do you want the new general manager?

3. What do you think there are colleagues in the capacity or the moral problem? How companies should deal with them?

4. you think the company should be made which improve the work environment?

5. your salary enough? If not, what criteria you want to achieve?

Liu Bei saw a half-day, hesitate to say: \Chen Deng said: \spoke, he handed his second survey:

staff questionnaire (B)

Please choose the answer in the back of your playing √:

1. and Leadership The staff is a good staff together, right? Right

2. Sometimes you do not understand the leadership of care and thought, right? Right

3. Loyal staff are always on the company's future,uggs sale, right? Is not

4. In the past year, you are a competent employee? Is not

5. To the company's future, you are willing to sacrifice personal interests? Liu Bei is not

looked interesting, a Vinegar-the joy of finally smiled: \people from the shame of a harm to, where will attack others? this employees since a shame to harm, also attend to your chat friends say! \Yeah - Chen Teng-ah, a real you. my new post, on the first burn you this fire, let them harm shy now! \

2006-6-29 17:34 Reply

222.90.172 .* 3 F

the importance of authority

as \Immediately to one of the company's situation changed, as if the wind after the resumption scattered clouds clear blue skies. Liu Bei was glad not, specifically called Chen Teng's office, about his hotel after work to find little to celebrate.


Chen Deng said: \night turn around the skirt. You have not yet official vehicles, the wheels are not transferable. evenings, and you no hobbies, nothing that skirt is turned. how like? afternoon, right around the plate switch to a back ? \Where is it? \

\br> Chen Deng said: \is a great truth. \successors. two days, \Liu Bei Is that sort of person? actually does not cost half arrows of power, sitting in Xuzhou! '. \
Chen Teng-eat shrimp with a seventh of the mind, another one-third speak with Liu Bei: \He requested the waiter poured a glass of water, put it in the palm of her hand grip, said, \immobility, so go after the company still has a little gas you live? \the imperial power seemed so holy, from another perspective, this power is very unreasonable. without the authority, not the employees to comply with workplace rules and then live with anger and where? turned into steam distributed. \. \

Chen Deng Ken will say: \Liu Bei asked: \rules, and those who follow the rules; develop the rules of the labor center, to comply with the rules of labor. He also said that people who rule instead of having people to cause - the so-called induced human induced, that control point. as a labor center persons, you should have enough control so that those employees learn the rules, that is: to learn to respect leadership, is what you see now instill obedience; also have to actively work hard, that you just mentioned full of live air. \. \straw can be likened to what? \return of the Buddha brought to the Western Paradise, who helped me to develop a rule on how to cause the management of those programs, how? \not fully understand. In other words, I saw not see the forest trees, but do not know how to grow trees of. \

2006-6-29 17:35 Reply

222.90.172 .* 4 F

rule how people are thought to cause

Liu Bei, said: \Well. you please help me explain the management since it is a kind of controlled the game, then how should I use to understand the mentality of the game, the game? \: \you have some reference. \Chen Teng

said: \! good! good! So I'm not where to go, get the glimpse of the fast! \

on the management rules of the game

1. Management is an controlling the game, if you are smart enough you will win, otherwise, only fate.

2. In order to win the game as much as possible, you should first design the rules of the game - a full set of workplace rules, including job competence, employee behaviors, and the \reward and punishment system.

3. in the game before, you only have two choices: either you believe he can win, so you put enough energy to win everything; or you do not play the game.

4. If you just want not sure, then, in this game you win the right to decide whether or not in your hands. An unstable mind will prevent you from actions by the decision, so that whether win lose its power.

5. because each person involved in the game are all part of your life, if you can control yourself, you can overcome all.

6. Many times you can find, to their win, the best way is to join together with others and win-win. Curiously, in a win-win game, someone will lose. If you're smart, the losers will not you.

7. You are all competitors, you or being used or to be removed; owners are also your opponent, some people have to use, some people need to remove.

8. All people are involved in the game to capture people's weaknesses and try to take advantage. To do this, you have firm conviction and full alert.

9. because smart enough to deliberately show some weaknesses (for example, the fool) is a clever way, it can make your opponent off the hook.

10. to win the game in a controlled, you should learn to use emotions. Your emotions can motivate others, can also be competitors use.

11. The so-called life is actually how to deal with opponents. You are your own biggest rival.

12. in the administration, do not bound themselves to suffer from some kind of rules of the game. All the rules are to successfully win the game, please take advantage of these rules.

Liu Bei stand by, watch heart secretly pondered: \the rules of this game, I Liu Bei Dairenchushi, just like Paodingjieniu general, be getting. so, why should we worry accomplished something big! \: \? \can ah. Without you Chen Teng, I would not have progressed so smoothly through the election to become the company's new general manager. If not you Chan Teng, we can not stabilize the military, and the company is likely to occur rallied noisy situation. you are not that management is controlling the game? to company staff can work together to win this game, I need the help of your wisdom and strength. \I am not afraid of other people jealous? we have to pay attention to the emotional issue of dealing with the game Yeah! \Chen Deng said: \Control. \Guan Er Ye matchmaking, we should introduce her sister, you know. \> Chen Deng said: \You can not only cause, regardless of his private life right? \\

2006-6-29 17:36 Reply

222.90.172 .* 5 F

of management is a controlled game, management has often deviated from the danger of social ethics. Guer, effectiveness of management tend to give up secular morality. Ancient China, \

Machiavelli (Niccol * Machiavelli) is the effective management representative, he was the famous \competent monarch (leader), must have a lion-like majesty, fox-like cunning.

· only have secular virtues of monarchy (leaders), often because of too much care about the secular virtues, and thus the loss of management control, leading countries (Organization) destruction.

· reached as long as the result of the need for justice,uggs sale, any violation of secular virtue of \

· do monarch (leader), and to know how the expense of others.

in an organization, organization leaders who are charged with the survival of the rise and fall of the heavy responsibility, so he must look beyond the mundane virtues of restraint, to do good, but good to be able to achieve the goal of \

1 million marrow will be off the ground, you may be back much infamy. However, even if you do not have the courage to take the heat, you have to rely on force to ensure management effectiveness and achievement of the goals?

2006-6-29 17:37 Reply

222.90.172 .* 6 F

not posted, your holding this: Cheng Junyi】 【boiled three

I take your time to seriously learn from ......

final or to paste this again:

\. lead to the reason this happens may be due to management's mercenary, seriously hurt the value of human dignity, dedication and even become the object of being ridiculed. enterprises into the inadequacy of the difficulties, can still like a \\

222.90.172 .* 7 F

First, labor is a special commodity, in the marked price tags need to take account of human dignity.

second, to provide labor boss who is not merely seeking to be treated as the cost of wages, as well as professional life and happiness.

Third,uggs for sale, every employee would like to share with the boss's business performance, because it soaked up their feelings.

If you pay administration and economists are also employees of emotional neglect, then, do not expect employees to love his job. Thus, labor relations became trading relationship, one side of a bargain, preoccupied with the other side is Quejinshaoliang to poor charge superior interests of competition, each has.

Therefore, people-oriented management will pay attention to the emotional needs of staff, would \Thus, labor relations became a partnership, interests linked objectives.

222.79.14 .*

passing, very seriously too.

many books, have read many theories, but to work well in practice these applied, does it take skill! there are many things to learn and hard work!

