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Theme \whether the number of excess, whether the material retractable tidy.

3. After the event, teacher evaluation activities, timely hope. A content group educational activities: poetry, \

2. Learning words: riot of color.

ready: Multimedia

process: First, import activities. \

1. To produce the first picture frame, a question:

① figure what happened? (Rain)

② fall under the rain, we called the \(Rain) under the rain is like how? (The Falling, The Falling ... ...)

③ what you feel like rain? Allow children freedom to imagine. (Teachers came up with one of the spring as the spring line spun girl)

2. To produce the second picture looks, questions:

① figure some who? (A group of birds or pigeons, swallows, sparrows, Ying Huang)

② they doing? (Under the eaves from the rain), take cover when they are also an interesting debate the issue,ugg classic Tall, you want to know what is Well, Let's hear what they said.

3. To produce the third piece of the screen and watch after the question:

① dove is how to say it? Swallow it? Sparrow then? Small oriole it?

② now you know what they are arguing about the issue of the bar, who will talk about. (Rain in the end is what color?)

4. Increase production of the fourth screen, a question:

① this time, the rain listening to their arguments,uggs for cheap, it is how to say it? We hear it.

② \(Described blossom, bright colors)

three full appreciation of prose. (2 times)

1. \prose nicely you?

③ What is the name that the first prose?

3. the second time enjoy the essays, let the children think: rain is a colorless, why give the earth to bring riot of color?

4, reading prose.

really talented kids, today we learned a pleasant prose, everyone talk about this first essay please?

V. end of the event: Spring scenery was really beautiful, we look for spring with it! listening to music out of the room. collective educational activities 2 activity 2 painting: spring flowers?? tulip

objectives: 1. through the tulips observation and appreciation, learn to use straight lines and curves show the main features of the flower.

2. guide the children to paint bold, and be able to line, pattern decorative vase and background.

prepare: 1. tulip Flower Slide

2. multimedia

process: 1. talk to introduce topics, stimulate children's interest in painting. \flowers, let us first take a look at it in the spring tulip. \What color do you like?

3. teacher lectures and demonstrations: What a beautiful flower Yeah, I'll give every child prepared a vase, make children a beautiful painting in a vase of tulips, arranged in our the classroom, so that our classroom is more beautiful.

4. Child painting, teachers tour guide.

5. end of the event. game then draw request: Please pick one to add a child care painting.

process: the teacher on the blackboard to draw a pattern or a line, please add their children to draw one by one, each child can add their own imagination a picture to see the end, we draw What or like. Featured Event drawing class: Spring girl

purposes: 1. with different petal shapes, colors and quantity of painted all kinds of flowers.

2. through the appreciation of Ancient Flying characters hair, clothes girl spring stimulate the desire to create children, improve the ability of children to paint.

preparation: pen and paper

focus: Let children use their imagination to draw the beautiful Spring girl.

process: First, talk cited problems, enjoy the ancient flying figures:

1. legend of a beautiful spring sky girl, black hair, round head, dressed in fine clothes, Gone with the wind Gone with the Wind ah, where she was blown, where it becomes beautiful, because she has a wonderful skirt.

2. Spring girl skirt skirt and our What is the difference? she has a What dress do it?

3. Spring girl wearing a wonderful dress, Gone with the Wind Gone with the Wind ah, the vivid green grass and colorful flowers sent to every corner of the earth, to make the world more beautiful.

2, Model

1. prompted the order of drawing figures: first draw the basic part (head, body, arms), and then draw the main characteristics (features), that the first large painting, then painting is small, When people face painting, painting from top to bottom: hair, eyebrows, eyes, ears, nose and mouth. careful not to miss.

2. Please try to demonstrate painting children carried by the wind in the willow skirt, Gone too far not broken.

3. further viewing works, look them in different sizes of flower, the petals of different shapes and colors, count the number of flowers on the petals.

3, children painting , teacher points

1. to determine the location of the spring girls, suggesting that children draw in the paper above.

2. according to their imagination, as the girls put on a beautiful spring willow skirt, and Note that the performance with the curved lines flowing.

3. encourage young children to the ever-changing flower shape.

4, end of the event: Spring girl look them what they brought flowers, solidwork free downloads solidworks2009 Installation solidworks2009 crack file download. outdoor contents: lawn games?? hopping

preparation: claw the ball

process: 1. Description outdoor activities, contents and rules;

2. children together and three people;

3. each made of a horn ball, the head of the charge of;

4. teachers to take children to the grass game;
< br> 5. the game clean shoes on the sand back to the classroom, put equipment. to borrow books from the park activities:

1. Summary of the performance of child care situation, to give recognition to the progress of young children;

2 . made the request to borrow books and processes, to remind the children love books, know how to queue, orderly library. Notes 1. recite prose \: Prose, \... ..., a group of birds under the eaves from the rain, they are arguing about an interesting question: \\\\\\overall, I was a colorless, but give the land to bring riot of color in spring. \Please attendant placed a chair, wiping tables, distributed modeling clay to check whether the number of the active region than the material is retractable and tidy.

3. After the event, teacher evaluation activities, timely hope. Collective A language education: naughty rain

objectives: 1. feel a rainy day mood, experience the fun of rain.

2. to understand the screen contents, bold conception of language expression screen .

3. boldly imagined, the arrangement works, water and environment and to understand the relationship between people's lives.

ready: Multimedia Courseware \. importing activities

⑴ finger Games: rain: the separation of children hands index finger and slowly shake your fingers to drop from the previous. teachers and children read together side by doing action songs: two little hands to do rain, rain from the sky came down, pattering Lek,cheap ugg boots, pattering Lek. two little hands to do the boat, rain fell on oars, the boat moved into the sea.

⑵ talk: children what they have seen the rain look like? What is the color of the rain?

conclusion: rain is a transparent, colorless, and it is shiny, like capsules transparent beads.

2. playback of multimedia courseware and in accordance with Content about the rain, dripping onto the screen where, according to image contents to guide children to use words to describe the naughty little rain, feel the mood works shown. little girl's umbrella as rain to what? small raindrops what the pond as ? small raindrops pit hiding by the roadside, the Dell sound card driver download Dell Official Site Dell Official Forum, drive along what would happen? rain dripping into the beach, gone? guide children to learn to use a different verb such as: rolling, jumping, splashing, and other description hide in different parts of the mischievous rain fell on the situation.

3. Question: What is your favorite prose in which words? Why?

4 .

sequel works

⑴ where little rain will go? what they do naughty things?

⑵ guide children's experience combined with creative life . (such as: light rain fell on a pole, the mother hanging wet clothes: light rain fell on the flowers, the flowers more beautiful.)

⑶ If you are a little rain, you will jump Where to aim: to understand the screen contents, bold images with the language of artistic conception. collective educational activities two paintings: the spring flowers?? tulip


⒈ guide children to master the gouache painting with crayons describe the form of spring tulips in flower.

⒉ study the use of lines, patterns show the beauty of tulip flowers.

preparation: pastel, watercolor paints, glass, brush. tulip flower slide

process: 1. remarks quoted question: \Download cad crack the Chinese version, children enjoy.

3. Question: Do you know the flowers? What is the name of these flowers?

1) from the form said: what is it like tulip flowers ? (goblets, fruit plate, umbrellas, palm)

2) from the color, said: What are the flowers of tulip colors?

3) observe the leaves and stems: tulip flower leaves and stems are like? (the flower depicted on a more comprehensive understanding)


painting guide

⑴ screen layout of the first arrangement, the flowers in the main screen position, and the remaining part of the painting and flower related things

⑵ King and flower theme, grasp the characteristics of a flower with a hook line structure of strokes to draw the exact, clear, can draw in different directions flowers, branches and leaves. Finally Tim smear around the other features.

⑶ color selection and color similar to the real color of crayon shape.

⑷ background color , color modulation of water to moderate to no flow is appropriate

5. Exercises: Students commented on their work, what changes should be obtained before a better picture. Play language games: that contrary

objectives: The proposed terms would soon respond to the development of thinking ability

process: 1. teachers, name of the game,ugg online, and explain the rule of the game.

2. teachers that size, the high and low number of objects, please give the children the opposite result.

3. some of the kids got the wrong answer the question, for everyone performances. Research activities goals: 1. to complete reading choose their own books, read books in the careful observation of the contents of

2. feel the mood picture book picture books in the United States, like the books picture books read independently.

process: 1. advance note activities, contents and rules, children wash hands after a quiet enter the reading room.

2. children to choose books picture books, each choose a book, teachers can recommend to some children;

3. a quiet read, do not interfere with other children, carefully observe the pictures and text, ie8 download ie8.0 official Chinese version of the browser to download ie8.0 official download address book to understand the content in question hands softly questions.
< br> 4. remind children carefully read, not volumes,uggs on sale, edges, after the end of the book back to its original location. labor moving target: 1. to complete the teacher assigned tasks to develop children's ability, Ming Ming Xiao Xiao Kai novel download txt free download River fiction novels set Ming Xiao Xi.

2. as a class to contribute their strength, experience the joy of their own fruits of labor.

preparation: cleaning tools

process: 1. memories of Zhao Dafu about infectious diseases need to pay attention,ugg boots store, clean and healthy environment that is very important.

2. for the content of child care arrangements work, clean their desks and chairs to stress again that the methods and process,

3. distribute rags, and with the classroom teacher to become clean and bright, experience the joy of the labor process.

4. feelings of dry static environment of health care needs of everyone , to develop good habits to maintain. outdoor play sand game: Fuluo Ge buried treasure

goal: to use their hands to dig through hard and deep, buried sediment groups, feel the pleasure of working together with peers, camfrog camfrog video chat 5.5 Chinese camfrog video chat 5.5 crack.

process: 1. memories Fu Luoge digging treasure stories to please kids when Fuluo Ge buried treasure, with his small hand-dug pits , buried in sand group

2. mutual exchange, to other children, where em, can you dig treasure it? borrow books from the park activities:

1. Summary of the performance of the week child care situation , given in recognition of the progress of young children;

2. made the request to borrow books and processes, to remind the children love books, know how to queue,chi straighteners, orderly library. Notes 1. recite prose \Poetry 2 \> will always love you the deal is off.

yellow flowers to send their families,

health Carnival.

teacher has purple flowers,

repeatedly Retroflex Suffixation imprinted in my mind.

white flowers to send to friends,

solidarity homogeneous growth.

color flowers, feathers flap,

kiss and and friendship long.

red and yellow tulips Zi Bai,

in the spring of love hearts.

\the arms of her mother left the cloud, one by one jump to a tree fell on the roof, squeezed into the grass.

it to my sister's umbrella when the slide, stable, and Gu Lulu roll down.

that the cooling off of the pond when the diving pool, plunged into the stream, the water out of a beautiful blossoming spray.

it is like to hide in the pit road, the wheels run over, It immediately jumped too high, too pedestrian a splash mud.

it brings tears to the beach like hide and seek in the blink of an eye it's gone, but innocently, Brilliant left footprints.
< br> pattering Lek, pattering Lek, naughty little children singing raindrops do not know where to go hide?

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