
Online game company after six months the implementation of real-name registration will not uggs sa

reporter Luo Zhenguang

\Looking at recent media commentary, a common view is: online game real name system can not find themselves unable to resolve a minor issue of addiction online games. For benefit reasons, most of the online games company to implement real-name system, less positive attitudes, and online game companies themselves have no ability or right of the user identity is not truly a Pan Duan Jin Xing. And, for minors, have used adult identification number, using the identity card number generator, or \

involved in the development \July 30, the Ministry of Culture has issued a \He admitted, whether actual results, you may need six months to know.

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a few years ago, the network launched anti-fatigue system, from the implementation of the situation, can only say that \In addition to the implementation of several major online game companies more seriously, the large number of small and medium sized companies are not taken seriously. The real-name system for online games to practice for several days, including this reporter included, there are a lot of people try to use methods to bypass the real-name registration system online games. This method does not work for individual major online game companies, and in most companies is the passage.

newspaper close to the industry sources, in order to attract more players, the network's website full of games now are in a strong push \Players quickly sign up, log on to the game directly on the page. As to attract the same number of players, bypassing the ID card registration steps, the equivalent of saving 30% of the promotional expenses. At present, the cheapest web promotion expenses games, for example, promotional costs to attract a player is usually in the 2-8 per. ID registration for the costs arising, for those small and medium gaming companies, is a considerable cost.

Rong Yingjie, involved in the development \He said that in the \This is to allow gaming companies to have time to save and update data. Rong Yingjie said: \\In the \On any normal business would like online games companies, in addition to the implementation of the second path can not go, put an end to the \

new rules in online games, the right players, the stolen equipment, cheated of money by gaming companies and even malicious fraud \protection. Players have a legal basis for protection of the interests, but the players real name if you try to bypass the system, may experience the results would be \

\, then under the new rules, online games companies can refuse to provide services. \p>

to punish malicious online games company, \is the players favorite PK. Many commented that this requirement reduces online games playability.

Rong Yingjie said that online games in resisting the negative, vulgar content, get most of the people, especially parents welcome, most of the players were whining. The \

In fact,uggs sale, the online games company malicious \In order to maximize the unscrupulous commercial interests, online games company would resort to deception to lure the player into money. Countersigned by the State Press and Publication Administration said Sun Shoushan, malicious \

a gaming company executives declined to be named, told this newspaper broke the news that in the current gaming community, similar to the \generally account for about 20% of online game revenue. Line regulation is that game companies income 10,ugg bailey button boots,000 yuan each, and virtual value from 1000 to 2000 yuan of various equipment.

this high income, and from the games will draw in the proportion of lower back, resulting in the player for winning the seemingly high rate to keep investing money. He said the high visibility of a large home in an online game called \Players gradually awakened, they have cursed gaming companies at the forum, which is a semi-open in the industry scandal.

for such cases, Rong Yingjie that the new rules online games game company first asked to set up a special department for self-examination, then the relevant functional departments of the Ministry of Culture to monitor and receive complaints from players. Regulatory process, whether the player is found or complaint verification, malicious \

the focus of attention】 【real name system will reduce the cost of the player's Rights

Shanghai exchange in the law firm of solicitors Jianzhong peace Yuan Xiaodong Zhu said in an interview,cheap kids ugg, before the process of online games Rights in the first face is a prerequisite to solve the problem is the relative side of the contract and subject to the qualifications infringing party. As the network characteristics into the game as an agent in case of a civil contract dispute or infringement dispute, the operating unit can not be the case be resolved according to the rules, the injured party can not be verified because the contract is often the relative or the infringement side of the main identity, or can not prove itself as the main defenders from the beginning led to the stalemate, even through the courts, it may be no clear eligibility of the plaintiff or the defendant can not start the judicial process. In short, the online games is the first problem encountered Rights resolve who you are and who the other is a simple and difficult proposition.

the Ministry of Culture,uggs for kids, \Pass solid authentication, on the one hand, to prove the authenticity of their main identity, the other operating units through the network with the evidence, also available on Xiangdui party identity information, whether in contract or tort disputes Jun dispute can target specific relative side.

Therefore,cheap uggs, the approach to develop and implement ways to make online games a player's rights protection is more clear, to a certain extent, less the cost of Rights. But it is noteworthy that the approaches While online games co-operating units of the obligation of evidence made it clear that it did not correspond to the penalty provisions, and no administrative departments to enforce the provisions. Gaming operations without effective implementation of the provision unit will not take the appropriate administrative, civil liability; once evidence of online games and blocked will inevitably be formed through litigation by the courts ultimately enforceable in order to achieve operating unit with online games burden of proof. For activists,ugg knightsbridge, the channel that provides clear and means though, but not more effective administrative measures to standardize and constraints, can not but say that is a big regret.

【link】 half of the students in the focus of the preferred entertainment online

Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences published a Youth, \3 hours or more a day of leisure time. So, youth leisure time to do? Data, ranked first in the activities of the \

real name system will reduce the incidence of addiction

Shanghai Mental Health Center and the Ya-Song Du Jiang Wenqing two experts in the recently published \show that high school students the incidence of addiction among people up to 15%.

Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, said Yang Xiong, director of Youth, about half of the students chose the Internet as a way of entertainment,ugg australia sale, indicating that the network has become an important part of young people's leisure life. Teenagers studies have shown that networks of family, school, peer group, other than the major television media, social media, especially with the recent issue of Internet addiction is more important in the growth of network effects on adolescent health has become the school , the family and the whole community must be concerned about. \. \education. According to the school's investigation, there is a minor behavioral problems, half lost in the Internet cafes and game room for. President Chen said that the same as addiction and drug addiction, young people lack a certain degree of self-control, easily addicted to the Internet, especially vulnerable to the negative factors that dominate the network, so their online behavior also requires appropriate care and supervision. Achieve real-name system for online games, play online games not only avoid uncontrolled, can withstand a number of unhealthy gaming content.

online game real name registration of existing \standard gaming environment, but also the first consumer of virtual currency, virtual property theft, and others specified. However, there is online game real name registration \For example, borrow or steal other people's identity information to complete account registration, or use illegal establishment of the \Departments have been found in a routine check Shi Hai, individual Internet cafe owners will take the initiative to provide ID number for minors.

this, the Shanghai Chinese vocational schools to take a combination of blocked sparse approach earlier this year the \Week 2 of the Electronic Sports class for students to enjoy over an online game addiction. But the school's online games is a stand-alone, can only enter a number of designated sites, online games and some bad elements shielding measures taken. Schools with students \strengthen mutual supervision. School of online games is one of \Reporter WANG Wei

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