
That way the whole plane (square law) Special Lecture Notes CHI Hair Irons

an overview:

1, Ping method produces:

low efficiency of domestic traditional design, quality, difficult to control. Japan's structural drawings of structural detail drawing no node, the node structure detailing the construction companies (construction unit) for the second design, design efficiency, quality assured. The United States given the structural design of reinforced area of only the specific way by the construction company engaged in reinforcement. Accordingly, the traditional Chinese design methods must be reformed.

2, level The principle:

design process: design structure system> structural analysis (mechanical analysis)> Structure of construction design.

structural design is a commodity, a value is a special commodity, into creative work and repetitive work (non-creative work). Completed by the structural engineer is now part of the creative design (creative work), the node structure, node structure is not a structural engineer outside the fruit of labor is the copy of the specification. (Note: The node structure can not be calculated, and was out by the researchers to test.) Traditional single-component orthographic representation of the creative work and creative work of non-mixed within the node structure and node structure of the design is outside the repeatability Labor (non-creative work). This produced a structure based on standardization, standardization of ideas constructed, with digital, symbolic representation of the plane, said the overall representation of the creative design. Graphic overall design, methods and standards with that plan in two parts. Standardized node structure, the construction company's work volume increased.

3, Ping An Application:

1991 年 9 月份 square law applies to projects started in Shandong, began to promote peaceful methods. Structure maps for all of the components, level method has a map, which ones to see, very convenient. Ping law after the release of a strong support, strongly oppose, do not stand three kinds of people,CHI Hair Irons, then the patent contribution to the country, to become the national standard.

square law is given in structural design and construction professionals looking to improve the scientific and technological content, not to non-specialists understand, design reform also contributed to the construction unit technical staff level. Square law is a revolution in the field of structural design, more than double the efficiency, enabling China unreasonable staffing industry structure has been rectified. Now, three architects with an architect.

2, column level method:

1, definition of questions:

(1) fixed the roof area is the basement office, the structure below ground structure (including basement part) classified as infrastructure (subject to the atlas). Embedded solid stirrup also classified into the following parts of the infrastructure area and does not belong to the atlas.

(2) the total cross-section steel column column cross-sectional area b × h, the total cross section for the beams reinforced beams the effective cross-sectional area b × h0, h0 to beam high-button single-row bar 35mm, 60mm double reinforced after the value.

(3) protective layer of protection is a face, a line, not to protect a point. Have been completed to make all of the reinforced concrete of 360 ○ package.

2, reinforced questions:

(1) need to overlap in the stirrup steel non-encrypted area,cheap ugg boots, in the case of all high encryption can break the above provisions, to avoid both ends, in the middle zone can be connected. Column reinforcement steel welding two differential does not exceed 2, if the differential cross section more than two can be substituted.

(2) * 2 steel cross bar when allowing two close together, as close together is a point to consider is that the bond line and surface.

(3) Column Reinforced Roof up direct links, capitals, if there is no beam, the 12d and do not bend. Column with income side as far as possible b graph node style, close to the outer edge of column reinforcement to reduce the congestion level, the effective edge can be reinforced columns.

(4) column stirrup composite approach is reasonable, any of the site of a partial duplication of no more than two layers of steel, reinforced to minimize the two side by side, the probability and length. Because the two side by side bar appears, there is a secret between two steel joint, there are risks, of reinforced concrete can not do the 360 ○ bond. Column stirrup stirrup first by one of the largest wrap the rest can all use the stretch, to grab the main reinforcement and longitudinal reinforcement.

(5) and single-leg stirrups stretch the concept of difference, no need hooked all (vertical, horizontal) of steel, while all the steel reinforcement must be hooked.

3, wall ping method:

1, definition of questions:

resist lateral horizontal seismic shear force, seismic ideas as: Wall> column (1st line of defense in> the first two lines of defense). Corner wall in the corner bar does not allow lap. Reinforced with as much as possible to the edge to form a side column, column and so dark, side columns, shear walls is also part of the dark columns. Shear reinforcement does not overlap the bottom of strengthening the area.

2, reinforced questions:

(1) Constrained edge of a large component of the stirrups, the stirrup constructed a small edge component. When the wall of the dark column is long, long stretch of wall shear horizontal bars and stirrups end, unless specified the designer. Horizontal bar inserted into the side wall column can be an anchor length (end of column reference frame column).

(2) the top level of the beam shear is top of the wall beams, stirrup hoop to the wall inside. Certain level of shear layer on the outside, vertical bars on the inside.

(3) dark beam stirrups: wall dark vertical bars and beam stirrups at the same level. Frame beam along the wall, forming a border beam BKL.

(4) AC * dark mark and under hoop support structure requirements, support for the half thick and dark, thin wall steel used intersections. Column with a thick reinforced as far as possible, do not use steel beams too thick.

(5) holes to enhance the level of reinforcement and shear reinforcement: strengthening the vertical and horizontal columns of reinforced steel buckle, not to strengthen the tendons on the outside; vertical steel columns to enhance cross-bar buckle. Ribs on the level of the hole wall, vertical bar on the inside. 400 high beam reinforcement dark hole for the hoop in the middle of the size (calculations required to add two stirrup diameter), width of the beam width with the dark. Longitudinal reinforcement anchored into the reinforced walls dark beams, for the rigid strip, forming a complete edge.

(6) beams: one for the wall on the beam,cheap uggs, sub-floor beams (floor beams) and the roof beams (top of the wall beams). Beams and the beams do not have to do with links, Ping Law does not use link beam. Pull beam is a special beam,uggs outlet store, non-frame beams are non-normal beam.

4, Liangping method:

1, definition of questions:

(1) is both ends of the frame beam to column for the bearing beam, one end of the pillar, one end of the beam will not constitute a frame beam (non-frame beam), processing can not be purely non-frame beam treatment, should end by frame beam, other end of the non-frame beam processing.

(2) through long tendons and tendon through the concept: It is not a bar (not the same diameter of steel), reinforced by way of forming a lap.

(3) ln / 3 or ln / 4 are structural requirements; design requirements of the breakpoint in the negative moment steel reinforcement does not require the re-grow some point, do not operable; usually ln / 3 or ln / 4 to meet the structural requirements not met under special circumstances. (Note: does not exist in engineering analysis the exact value, there is only control value.)

(4) horizontal bar ≥ 0.4lae, vertical section of steel for the 15D, not meet the above requirements, it will be fine reinforcing bars (such as substitution of steel area).

2,ugg classic Tall, reinforced questions:

(1) torsion beam longitudinal reinforcement (N bars), vertical structural steel beam (G bars) of practice: N tensile steel bars by anchoring, G anchor collar 12d can be gluten; G reinforcement bars for the construction , high beam with one to every ≤ 200, N bars according to their needs. (Note: The transformation of larger steel side structure: the side in recent years,uggs for cheap, cracks in beams more, more structural reinforcement beam side to reduce the side beam cracks, but I think it does not make sense.)

(2) should be avoided in the node in steel welding, lap, it is recommended not to nodes within the connected steel should be anchored. Nodes in the lower box beam reinforced KZL not disconnect, because the steel in the tension.

(3) cross beam: not part of any intersection bearing; beam intersection location is determined by the designer put additional stirrups, stirrup is to set two beams intersect, the four directions are located.

(4) hanging bar height: hanging bars must not only surround the sub-beam, main beam can be hooked under the row of the second row of bars (first row of steel hooks not live), or the third row of bars (second row steel hook when not live) is the height of the main beam hanging bar height. .

V. Summary:

1, design a map order: base (flat support member)> column, wall \

2, so the budget to figure out \Columns reinforced through,ugg online, Leung column (anchor); beam reinforced through, plate into the beam (anchor); foundation beam JCL main beam steel all through, JCL second beam reinforcement to the beam side up, JCL must maintain the column position reinforced the connection, not the anchor, reinforced through the.


