
ugg bailey button boots Tortoise feeding

Cold is the tortoise kept in the winter or spring and autumn when the symptoms occur more easily. As the temperature of hot and cold when we keep, or forget the evening heat, and infection by human or other turtles. Will cause tortoises cold.

symptoms: early stage of the activity decline, loss of appetite, frequent runny nose, sneezing. Love to sleep phenomenon. Antifeedant medium-term occur, the phenomenon of sleep all day.

specific treatment: the early cold, we should not be too tight (especially the star tortoise, star tortoise has a small bubble phenomenon occasionally runny nose,ugg bailey button boots, so long as to maintain a good temperature, see the nose on the wipe on it.) box all day morning and evening to maintain a good temperature of 30 degrees and try not to make turtles out. Inside the bubble bath is also on the box. After the bath, wipe with a dry towel in the armpit, and a good turtle plastron, carapace of the site. Do not let turtles cold during this period. Use this method to maintain a good temperature, and the above method a week. Basically, you can see things better.

; if the cold increased, there often sleep, poor feeding phenomenon. So we must maintain the temperature of the day in 30, not take a turtle out of the same time, which placed in the bath water Banlangen, heat or cold particles, and Chinese medicine formulations of cold medicine. With the bath for an hour. Bath and then try feeding. If the turtles eyes gradually, it will basically go to eat. After eating a couple of days, gradually stopping to maintain good temperature. Be able to resume. (The specific amount of drugs in accordance with the size of the bath tub, put a penny on the size of the particles on it)

Pneumonia: symptoms: pneumonia and influenza is usually not due to timely treatment, condition aggravated, leading to extreme depression turtle, basically do not eat, sleep all day, it is not going to open eyes. (Click here to show this state is the premise in the cold)

specific treatment: the disease are generally turtle Office in a very dangerous state, it is the specific treatment of amoxicillin orally. Is usually the capsule open, put a little in a spoon in (the South is called the spoon) and then into the water or glucose water. The turtle's mouth and broke it, into drugs. Not too fast down the time. Otherwise the turtle will spit it out. Basically, turtles after treatment has improved markedly (here to remind everyone that amoxicillin is the drug with caution. If you frequently use this drug will harm the tortoise's organ. If not the last resort, Do not use)

the posts for just raise tortoises or tortoises in the breeding process of the various symptoms and problems arise Kiyu posts written by turtle disease treatment . So that we no longer sick trying everything, leading to wrong treatment of the harm caused. I do not pull the text, I hope can use user-friendly way to let everyone know. Please you master lots of valuable opinions. The following treatment is a basic fundamental recognized, and the method is better. Please consider carefully, and details about the specific treatment. So as not to harm turtles.

First of all, I want to praise all of the following friends just keep tortoises turtles on their meticulous and carefully, and not a little one thing is immediately reflected the feelings of anxiety. This shows that we are all on their own pet turtle doubly, no one wants it ill, or a little mishap. But here I must remind you that in the feeding process, the tortoises have some minor sneezing, a sedentary, occasional loose stool. That belong to the normal range. Would like our daily cough,uggs on sale, will be tired, as diarrhea. We can not ask the turtle is not one thing wrong, like robots. So once these minor problems, we recall the following methods of their breeding is wrong, and if not, then do not be too impatient. Refrain from blind medication, otherwise it will lead to some turtle received organ damage.

Now, I said the following on the specific disease symptoms and treatment.

cold: cold is the tortoise kept in the winter or spring and autumn when the symptoms occur more easily. As the temperature of hot and cold when we keep, or forget the evening heat, and infection by human or other turtles. Will cause tortoises cold.

symptoms: early stage of the activity decline,cheap uggs boots, loss of appetite, frequent runny nose, sneezing. Love to sleep phenomenon. Antifeedant medium-term occur, the phenomenon of sleep all day.

specific treatment: the early cold, we should not be too tight (especially the star tortoise, star tortoise has a small bubble phenomenon occasionally runny nose, so long as to maintain a good temperature, see the nose on the wipe on it.) box all day morning and evening to maintain a good temperature of 30 degrees and try not to make turtles out. Inside the bubble bath is also on the box. After the bath, wipe with a dry towel in the armpit, and a good turtle plastron, carapace of the site. Do not let turtles cold during this period. Use this method to maintain a good temperature, and the above method a week. Basically, you can see things better.

; if the cold increased, there often sleep, poor feeding phenomenon. So we must maintain the temperature of the day in 30, not take a turtle out of the same time, which placed in the bath water Banlangen, heat or cold particles, and Chinese medicine formulations of cold medicine. With the bath for an hour. Bath and then try feeding. If the turtles eyes gradually, it will basically go to eat. After eating a couple of days, gradually stopping to maintain good temperature. Be able to resume. (The specific amount of drugs in accordance with the size of the bath tub, put a penny on the size of the particles on it)

Pneumonia: symptoms: pneumonia and influenza is usually not due to timely treatment, condition aggravated, leading to extreme depression turtle, basically do not eat, sleep all day, it is not going to open eyes. (Click here to show this state is the premise in the cold)

specific treatment: the disease are generally turtle Office in a very dangerous state, it is the specific treatment of amoxicillin orally. Is usually the capsule opens, put a little in a spoon in (the South is called the spoon) and then into the water or glucose water. The turtle's mouth and broke it, into drugs. Not too fast down the time. Otherwise the turtle will spit it out. Basically,ugg outlet store, turtles after treatment has improved markedly (here to remind everyone that amoxicillin is the drug with caution. If you frequently use this drug will harm the tortoise's organ. If not the last resort, Do not use)

intestinal diseases (Diarrhea): Diarrhea usually tortoises will appear, each turtle has its good and bad gastrointestinal function. Star turtle stomach on the good, the occasional loose stool symptoms without timely delivery and maintain a good temperature, choose thick vegetable fiber, and Cook's water drying on ok. Basically, it will resume its own. Leopard tortoise's stomach is not good, therefore, according to different degrees. Will take about treatment.

treatment: mild loose stool from the leopard tortoise, I recommend keeping in the above manner, while taking water dish out the box. Or in the bath of water and salt water tray and into the fill liquid. Using this method a few days there will be significantly improved. Salt solution and this is the role of complement in the seasonal summer, digestive disorders, caused by diarrhea, anorexia. Able symptoms. Easier to buy in the drugstore.

If symptoms do not improve long loose stool, then remove the water dish will be used, placed in the bath of water berberine into powder. Specific dose to water is yellow and is appropriate. This is generally more severe Diarrhea will gradually improve. (Berberine powder is not readily available in pharmacies, and also may damage organs, should not have too many do not amount).

bowel disease (pull leaves): excretion of the leaves, indicating no digestion by the turtle to eat. This is due to the body caused by a lack of digestive enzymes.

symptoms: clear to see there are no vegetables or fruits digest

treatment: usually added digestive enzymes is to feed feed feed, which in addition to the general good cultivation cent , there are digestive enzymes. Can help turtle digestive function. And can also sprinkle with BAC or vita treatment on the leaves.

bowel disease (jelly-like stool): Excretion of a jelly-like stool is usually a parasite of the existence of the body. This method is very simple, I do not get too complicated, direct introduction treatment.

treatment: metronidazole according to differences in the turtle the size of the pills into 4 to 6 points 1 dosage. Then crushed into powder. Services against the pour,kids ugg boots, or sprinkle on food in the leaves. Effect will be very significant, usually used 1 or 2 times will be improved.

hit Myanmar land insect body: usually fight insects are also Burmese tortoise, but due to some Kiyu to appear after the tortoise beetle appetite to fight the phenomenon, so what treatment recommendations.

treatment: drugs used to fight insects to crumble and scatter food on eating turtle. Specific use and above less the same. After the use of drugs to fight insects, if you see turtles in the apparent bug excretion discharged from the effect on the description of the. This is possible because a large number of insects, and turtles are beneficial bacteria, digestive bacteria have been discharged. Therefore, loss of appetite occur, as well as antifeedant phenomenon. Therefore we should not worry, there are bugs in that rule, and gradually reduce the dose, repeated after the consolidation of a withdrawal. And with love to turtle to eat Mommy, it's intestine to restore the original normal state. This was ok.

White-eyed / eyes with debris: This usually is due to keep me drifting too much, keeping me no ventilation, drying, etc. caused. Appears not love Zheng Yanjing mild, with forelimbs rub the eye condition. Severe appear dirty looks, no eyes. Yellow eyes or inside the emergence of foreign body.

treatment: There are two specific treatment. If your turtle can open eyes, it proposed to use of chloramphenicol eye drops eye drops. And to adhere to 5 days or so. If the eye foreign body, to be patient inside the eye with a cotton swab to pick it out. After the re-use of chloramphenicol eye drops. If the turtle has no eyes so serious that we should use erythromycin eye ointment, 2 to 3 times a day painting in the eyes. Must fully diluted go to erythromycin eye ointment. Persist after the turtles will open eyes a few days, and symptoms improved.

choke with water: choking water bath is usually because we accidentally put too much water, or water dish, and humidifying the basin over with. Turtle in the water which led to a long time to choke the water.

treatment: this situation should be promptly put out from the water turtle, and let ** washed down, slapped his breastplate. If the turtle to choke with water, and will spit out a small amount of water. After a period of time to make it stable. Do not disturb it. In the choked water may occur temporarily after the antifeedant state. We must restore it slowly and avoid Do not eat food refusal and forced fill. Consequences as a result of tortoises may cause the spirit of antifeedant. That time may really bad treated. (Try to avoid this situation and, when the attention level in the normal bath, but also pay attention to the water tray in the box and the basin of the display)

antifeedant: There are many reasons for poor feeding, it may be maladjusted, picky eaters, illness, choking water, caused by intestinal discomfort.

treatment: If it is the gastro-intestinal discomfort and more long time without eating caused by unknown reasons antifeedant. Then we can Jianweixiaoshi piece to solve this problem. Specific use is to buy Jianweixiaoshi films, or films of children Jianweixiaoshi. Crumble and pour services. If it is not suited to the environment as picky or antifeedant, you can try feeding a number of tender vegetables (such as naked oats food, lettuce) or some fruit (apples, bananas) with those that they accept the gradual reduction of food conditioning.

turtle just received,Five Fingers Shoes, and after the limb weakness caused by prolonged sun heat stroke. After the above phenomenon turtle will consume a great strength, and thus a lack of electrolytes.

treatment: time is not strong on the light areas, to ensure the normal temperature. Turtles in time to add water. At that time the tortoise will drink a lot of water. Including the delivery process as a result of the consumption of physical weakness, poor state. Placed in the water to pass through the electrolyte to replenish body energy. We can crawl inside the store to buy water, electrolyte, or give them to drink or a gold mine of Lishui special pulse will play the same effect. Stability after tension with the turtle and the psychological and physical fatigue. Thus restoring the original state.


