
99% of China's white-collar workers and their families will face bankruptcy ugg boots uk

well-known economist in Hong Kong - Lang

99% of white-collar workers in China and their families will face bankruptcy. And is bound to bankrupt! Run away! This may happen in the next 2-10 years. You can try to doubt this figure. But it must happen, not alarmist. 'As I predicted the Chinese state-owned enterprises must unemployed workers, as in that time no one believed. But it does happen. Because in China, a developing country, with its inevitable to keep inflation and reform measures in exchange for economic development. Every time, the pain brought about by the reform by the common people to afford. When both the countryside and mountainous areas of the educated youth were confused, or large state-owned enterprises reform and opening up have brought about a large number of laid-off workers when they go bankrupt. If they can have a certain forward-looking, then I think they may leave a little for their own posterior. However, due to over-confident and over-confident life will not file mutation, thus causing the tragedy of their lives. -


Some people say that the Government will not sit idly by white bankruptcy, the Government certainly do not want. Some things ... ... how can I say. Think about it then laid-off workers. Caused so much social unrest. Can do? Today's white-collar workers will become bankrupt, they also did it. -

and 20 years of reform and opening up, China's rapid economic development take off. But the old system did not completely change. Variety of important industry remains in force is a government monopoly system in operation. Such as: banking, finance, metallurgy, energy, information, transportation, health care, education, land. China's reform and opening up of these things can not carry out all aspects of the reform and opening up. But today, the contradictions brought about by the monopoly is increasingly prominent. -

bear the brunt of that property. As China's legal system is not perfect, especially the field of finance and reform, all kinds of mistakes made by the emergence of real estate has been rising. With the increase in real estate and the concentration of foreign population to large cities. Therefore, new urban migrant workers is the so-called 'white-collar workers' income is also to enhance the surface to Beijing as an example a monthly salary of RMB 3000-15000 everywhere. But this part of the income is mainly used to pay rent, or loan repayment. -

To better understand why the 99% of white households bankruptcy, we must first understand why house prices so high? Where high? Funds are functioning? (Here, white-collar families that buy a house buy a house or prepare.) And the development trend of related effects. This article will explain to you in three stages. -

1: prices soared, leading to the first factor: bank loans under the open competition. -

In fact, home prices soared, because the main factors for people in the government pay for the mistakes. Example, a previous developer through a bank loan of 10 million developed a house. If he does not play that bad luck, because all the banks are a system, you owe the money did not stand up also never the opportunity. But China's banking reform on the basis of a hole in the open, to competition between the banks so the ICBC, Agricultural Bank of China, Construction Bank of China and so on all operate independently. This is a good thing. But the problem is that these banks are not private, but the country. Is not difficult to imagine. When a developer from the bank loans to 10 million results. He only need 5 million to develop the house, and then raise prices, then the development of the price of the house according to his standard mortgage loans to 20 million from the ABC again, and then use that 20 million of 10 million development of a higher house prices set to come CCB 40 million mortgage loans. Is a snowball's crazy lending models. -

house you serve to go out is not important, the key is to price higher, not lower prices. Anyway, money is not a private bank, so there are little things straightened out in addition president 'legitimate' high retail price of real estate as collateral so naturally getting better and better from bank loans. -

so this result is that house prices do not just climb down! Because they can not fall! Or bank loans out of a paragraph on the figure. This is but the government banks, government money! Therefore, in order to block the funding black hole is to buy some of the experts, media, public opinion began to madness by various means of coercion in public opinion, people are buying a house. -

such as land resources are seriously strained, do not buy a house in the future can only live in the suburbs Yeah like. Cause people had to buy a house. In fact, can not live in this city that never happen, urban residents is a process of replacement of old and new, to live in the city to work, the elderly live in rural areas like retirement. As long as the population explosion will not occur without working people can not live in the center of the situation. Although these media created a lot of people buy a house, but only so, prices are still not high as it now is ridiculous. Then the Government has committed a second error. -

2: prices soared, leading to the second error: a mortgage with Chinese characteristics. -

mortgage was originally a very popular system in the West, are just right. But this is to be applied to China on a little problem. Because for large institutional. All banks are state, not private. Therefore, loans can not control is maintained in this barrier. As long as the document justify, it can credit to the article. -

first error for the early relief funds brought the black hole. Government began to implement individual mortgage system to house sales. What also often cite the United States to his wife and the Chinese woman's example to lure people to the mortgage. Indeed it was the mortgage, and it is crazy mortgage. And banks as long as a little 'road' people. They first mortgage of a 800,000 house, your down payment and then a 100 000 700 000 loan from the bank. Then raise prices after the house sale to 1.8 million. This time their relatives or dad mom go buy, but also with their own out of the way down payment mortgage 300 000 Bank loans and from 1.5 million. And then not care. They do not how to do the loan? Love Do not count bank. Anyway, I'm not on the money under the contract, you can take the house, we owe the two incompatible. -

it turns around, driving up the price of the house several times back in the hands of the government back to the bank. This explains why so many new flats started to repair it was 'real estate speculators group' bought. They fried not bet the house to rise. It took a house to clean up banks. -

banks how to do to get this house? Are afraid to cut. Price and then sell only plus point. So ordinary people are not really even think about buying a house at reasonable prices! Even if you bought directly from developers or houses might have switched hands several times back in the hands of the banks and developers. To say something is 8,000 / square house, with only the 2500 is the price, there are 5,500 funds that decision errors caused by the black hole! That means you are restricted to the hard working to the backside. -

3: The third issue: when white-collar families bankrupt? ? -

then we study why the house prices up, again look at the so-called white-collar families in Chinese cities bankruptcy is inevitable. -

first foreign white-collar income is really high, but high value. The so-called white-collar workers in China are generally poor quality. Chinese enterprises serious internal friction. All with light, all stubborn. No wonder foreign companies entered the Chinese market began to exclaim: 'to do business in China can not attract new people! 'I am also deeply understands. That someone would say: 'Now is not worth the white-collar worth it Mizuki Zhou Ping, please tell me why they can get such a raise? 'In fact, as a result of the real estate hot quantum effects. Banks lost a lot of money through the hands of a few flows to the market. These people began to make aggressive investments in other areas of China. Because they knew the real estate about to crash. They do round after round of investment boom is rapidly absorb the funds, they invest in the Internet, high-tech investment, investment and entertainment, investment many, many. But at least enough to pay wages to employees or pay the monthly rent on a house for it. Therefore, it is because of rising house prices is high wage levels in China's urban population relative to upgrade. You do the math you do not believe the city where the average income of white-collar workers, once paid the monthly housing money, how much will be left hand? I think this question I need not wordy instead. Psychological several people. So I can say that the real estate crash that followed the collapse of your wages. -

many, many white-collar workers who I know have purchased a house. Their thinking is simple: 'The couple opened a variety of revenue insurance, except net income per month is also 12000. What kind of money to pay 3000 house? I can buy a set too! 'Yes, nothing. But because the house so what you are expensive. Your food, transportation expensive tuition fees,ugg boots uk, medical costs more expensive! ! ! So you pay money for the room and then open the cost of living than a penny to basically save for it, even if the deposit point is also not keep up with normal inflation rate. The question is if the status quo has been maintained, then theoretically be all right. You're twenty years earned money just to make up for the loss of two errors. -

but the problem out here. With the end of WTO5 years grace period, a large number of foreign communications, banking, medical, insurance and so the company will soon enter China. By that time no one can stop you money in Citigroup, HSBC deposit. Who does what at that time willing to put money in so many bad debts, bad debts of state-owned banks? How to take measures even if the Government could run, so what happens now that time is hard to say. But one thing is certain is that when the pressure of Chinese state-owned these banks will become very large. Loans will be difficult to be added, because the banks have no money to loan-to! At the same time a large number of foreign-funded enterprises with high-quality talent to enter the Chinese market will bring a strong impact and the collapse of a large number of existing enterprises as well as white-collar unemployment. That is. Once the foreign-funded enterprises to enter the competition, China's existing 99% of white-collar workers will face big job under pressure! -

but once the accumulated foreign banks started to invest in real estate funds, then it is normal operation as they made out process so the house will be cheap, must boost its national real estate dropped sharply. As I said earlier, prices have fallen, or is followed by the business in your wages! Can you buy a house before the repayment will not lower prices or reduced, so you will not be able to afford loans. Then your house will be confiscated bank, your deposit will be directly freeze. Therefore, China's future urban white-collar workers are most likely and a few decades ago as China's state-owned enterprise employees. Hard two decades, the end 竹篮打水一场空! -

how to avoid bankruptcy? -

to see where you should be aware, do not buy a house is a good way to avoid bankruptcy. But I would also like to remind you not to push up property prices fall, they have a way to encourage people not buy a house that is not a husband on the child! You Do not say that this really little effect. A population who are now the first sentence is: 'do you have room. 'You did not seem the same room is a eunuch. I am really angry with the strength to curse no. Mizuki weeks in Baidu also quote it in this post Ping said: 'do not buy a house do you live? 'I was strange, there is a connection to live and buy it? In China, a land not belonging to your house to sell you, and leased to you What's the difference? (Laughs). Not to mention the bandits who, like property and improper person to forced evictions! This is not purely a 'Emperor's New Clothes' it? But since the WTO have mentioned that the Chinese publishing industry and the media industry is still not open. Then public opinion will become a government bailout and developers in the hands of the final trump card. -

so we face a lot of time or his rhetoric more than half a brain. Property after a pack of lies we hear more and more, more and more outrageous! For example recently the brick home not expensive in price when the advocate said: 'What if salary 50000, The couple is also the year of 100,000, 5 years on 500 000. So, of course, price is not expensive. 'I am surprised that still people nod? Perhaps for this or has evolved to eat or drink these patients do not wear no fixed and father and mother died not long ago of brick home with maintenance so it may be really going on. Therefore, attention to vigilance. -

Conclusion: -

buy a house or preparing to buy a house have white-collar family home prices will collapse as the collapse occurred, that would be a slow process. As short as two years or as long as ten years. But this is an irreversible trend. Therefore, China has 99% of urban white-collar family that not alarmist talk of a bankruptcy! Today you pay for each housing distribution to the bank for the government money is for real estate speculators fill holes, only a small part of the room is real money. Environment for a change tomorrow, you do not have much money to fill holes when the market and banks will be kicked back home, for a number of new people to then make up. Do not believe? Wait and see Bai! - PS: Why do I say that 99% of this number, because according to my understanding, once a monthly salary of 99% over 5000 people started to buy a house, or even to buy 3000,4000. What lovers do not understand that life will continue to buy badly. I just feel sad for them. Of course, if you are the 1% of the wise men, and more to persuade them to save it. Better Together alone. -

Chinese are the four big when -

largest when: real estate -

buy a house mean? Means that you have a house of their own. Yes, you are such a thought, but in China, and you can not have this house, you only rented it. Because the house is yours, not your land, but land use rights for 70 years (70 years from now it was back during the War, who saw time in the house?). House, usually about 30 years old renovation or demolition will be met. Buy a house that you spend the money, but can only be renting the actual results. Of course this is not the worst. The worst is when a few years later, you find that fooled! A group of hooligans broke into your house with their life savings to buy the painting on a big Separation of Chinese! Then all of your belongings as if garbage is still out of doors, regardless of your pleading and even in the newspapers to you by a notorious nail house, any time you abuse the public will know the meaning of despair! -


described China's real estate has a famous joke is written like this: -

ago, there was a lot to the landlord to find a lot of long-term work, the landlord to cover a number of long-term unity and floor were lived,ugg boots sale, one day, the landlord's advisers on the landlord said: owner, long-term employment are the hands of these few years a little money, they live your house, the monthly pay Zuzi, uneconomical, since they will never afford to live, do not you just sell the house since they were tricks is called - public houses for sale! Tell them that the house will never belong to them, you can take them back the past few years to save money, the landlord said: Yes, that rent how to do? Advisers said: It collects no mistake, children from a Japanese name, name of property charges! Landlords quickly implemented, make a lot of money, long-term employment are the happy ah! -

over the years, the landlord of the village into town, and the rich more and more, no place to live, counselor to the landowners, said: club, their long-term employment in recent years they have money on hand,cheap ugg boots, we give them build a new house,ugg boots store, called the transformation of the old tricks from the one they switch their money to us, we pulled down the house to build a new, tell them to buy back, you can sell more than cover a number of others, and the landlord has carried out, this time, Some long-term workers are not happy, the landlord of Jia Ding put to use, and permanent teeth were destroyed had to stomach the pharynx, the landlord has made a lot of money. -

A few years later, the landlord of the village developed into a big city, and the rich more, and the landlord of the land more valuable, and advisor to the landlord, said: club, we removed these permanent houses, and in this Local building villas, houses demolished to sell out to cover those who can make a wealthy tycoons,ugg online, the landlord said: how do long-term workers who quit? Advisers said: Zan to them a little more money, from a monetary settlement tricks called on, we then we built a house next to the pen, from a tricks called affordable housing, they built a carriage Road to allow them to buy over there living room, the landlord said: how do they have enough money? Advisers: From our house to them before the banks by year 6 points advantage, but also nothing if money begets money cub, was not any risk, the landlord has carried out, they got the money permanent,chi hair irons, affordable housing landlords until now built a long-term employment they had to line up the house, until now, still waiting for it ... ... -

Thus, long-term employment began to make trouble, and the landlord a little nervous, hurriedly asked counselors how to do? Advisers said: They must notify the permanent house to be dropped in price, do not buy, rent to live it, just rented it to them our pen, the result, so many years, long-term employment have all the money gone, also rental housing, forever! -


joke though a bit exaggerated, but in fact it not also true? Some say that case? Why do Chinese people have to buy a house? Mad buying? Why? Education is not the result of obscurantism, as if 60 years, advocating that people have to buy The Big Three: watches, sewing machines, bicycles can be considered a successful married wife. 70s advocate one must buy a new four items: TV, refrigerator, washing machine, telephone equipment can be considered is to succeed as a wife have children, remember that a few thousand dollars to install a telephone, but ah (per capita income of less than 200 of the town ), while Beijing Shanghai is more of a time when tens of thousands, have to take the human number line to buy, and buy a house today, how can the similarities? -

all the shit today scholars began to fool the people of this set of the old trick: White-collar family of new standards, successful people choose X New X Road, Central, small apartment, X ring X Road, commercial and residential type. After you receive hundreds of thousands, have to charge you a monthly rent (the new property fee), bank interest, and a variety of all sorts of excuses to raise interest rates, policies and so on and so on. In short you are not afraid to death, not afraid to die you miserable! Ye on how happy people fooled, and 100 on the tire of it? I am really angry and get it all wet!


second when: Employment -

when someone finally exclaiming: educated youth of the year, when people feel there is no way out after being laid off, no one can sit ignored, only thrown into the street Persons who have ridiculed the song was also heroic in life, start over time. Have you ever thought of! They also have the same scenery and white-collar today! Income and status they had let the people around envy? Have you ever thought 20 years later! Like you would like them thrown into the street deserted? !

Some say Hey! You do not know of unemployment insurance, pension insurance, XX Insurance What? Oh, I drift in Beijing, N years, the insurance paid many tens of thousands about it, but when the Pao Duantui unemployment and no one gave me Sha insurance, but many insurance policies have been frozen that I have to pay off, and I could Also ... ... it's not anger, do you think you really 60 years old to old-age insurance can get it? The sky has not lost money! Take today's elderly pension is that we earn! Today 30-40 year-olds usually have several brothers and sisters! Means that, today, 60 years old can get old-age insurance is because there are 5 people for an old man! After we get old of this generation is the one for the two of us old people! The money come from? Did not come! If you are able to live to 90 years of age is estimated to receive a number of old-age insurance, hey You take care of it. But even so, parents are still mad for their children to state-owned units in a variety of enterprises to send, my side will always have such examples. I am home a distant relative, a friend dragged to find relations, spending 70 thousand dollars through an open recruitment to the traffic police team sent his son to dry on the contract of the police. Get 800 a month. Competition results in the third year was down to the brush. Family crying, I said, a good brush, you earn a lifetime ban on those that do not return to 70000, and quickly wash before sleep, change out small businesses and then Minato money go! Probably can earn. -

when I graduated, I led my uncivil language is holding the money, the Department sent me to XX. I saw the man responsible for hiring that virtue, they could not help the nausea, Zaiyi Kan salary, uncivilized language, I'm the white dry for 10 years is not only back the cost of neither eat nor drink. So I had that guy a private threat, scared the portly chief no longer afraid to admit I X. I just have to have: running away from home. -

I wanted to do not understand? Chinese ye on the so foolish? Chinese characters do such a superstition? Wake up, little line of thinking is not normal? Before doing worthwhile to not do the math? -

there are those young, small white-collar workers who find work best to pay a higher point, do not want to insurance, medical insurance and Sha, and then save up your money most insurance will need it. -


third when: Education -

a diploma worth? A diploma worth? A diploma worth? Printing costs two dollars a day the top. How much salary a teacher? Hey, two students a semester tuition enough! A class book printing cost? Two students enough! How much rent in a class a semester? Hey two students enough. ! Hey! Education in China receive so much money you Pingsha! ? -

Hey! The people are! Why should we be deceived? Because the small ruling class told us it was admitted scholar honor. Oh I'm sorry I was wrong, was only admitted to the University of honor. But people do not ever think about why the glory? Why honor ... ... and how the University of scholar is not waste! -

you know who your child is teaching Why? Usually can not adapt to the Chinese people will become a community of teachers, for example. A while ago I as a project between several universities to find graduate students to do procedures. Results are very few people stupid, do not you consider you have to abandon the work before, but to a paper obviously has a spelling,Vibram FiveFingers Shoes, not to change, so you find even told you seriously, is this is not his fault , is that you give is wrong. Little sense of responsibility, one would consider whether it is to do things and do things or to do one thing and do something. I was very calm to reason with them: you must learn to think for others to think about what results you want others to do things again. Otherwise unable to survive in society. The results of a few said: we do not go to the community, we are very good examination results, schools should we stayed as a teacher. Say that again we had nothing wrong, how do you arrange how we do, do not you arranged for us not to do. This is our dignity and principles. I said: If you go to gatekeepers, the boss is not arranged locked storage when you arrive you do not lock it? You scared me? After your child is under the guidance of people like to learn and grow. What you are assured? -

wonder now read the University of cohabitation, skipping classes, fighting, suicide ... ... but the parents are still willing to spend money to send their children to school, and spent a lifetime money. -


fourth-largest when: a car -

Chinese people crazy? Buy a car? Why buy a car? ? ? Of course, you not only have money to spend, you love how to buy how to buy, buy a car buy a house, anyway, how rising oil prices is also enough of your money, house demolition you should not feel bad. But most people do? -

I had a colleague living North Second Ring Road, where the company Xizhimen. Most of the subway to work every day the most hours. Xiali may have to buy a second-hand, every morning at 8 o'clock on the road Duzhe, then moved to the company bit by bit. Hey, have a lot of parking fees a month. Can people feel themselves to open the car as high a bit. Do not say to open a Xiali that I have not seen to open Audi who is who worship three knock 9. In addition to look a little silly than others outside their own no other function. -

Another time, I met the girl a month income to 4000, loans to buy cars in the program. I then asked her: the little girl, I've got to do business, their work on time, Metro and convenient to buy a car do? Like a long time, it is estimated could not think of any reason came and said: sometimes go to the supermarket to buy things right, hit another car that is not worth close to a point, then walk away for that. So, drive yourself to it! I almost did not hear nasty. You drive to the supermarket buy instant noodles do not feel sick Why? Equipped with cellular phones to incommunicado, is incommunicado for! Do not think buying a car can prove anything. -

example, I now own business, very busy day, a place about 4-5 run to see a lot of customers. But I do not buy a car, why? I hit that car with the move to, kick down the left, no place to worry about parking, do not worry about hanging a touch, and without fear of being thieves tied up, regardless of rain has hung the wind driver. If bumped a traffic jam can get off the subway. Year also more than 10,000 pieces RMB! Buy a car! Parking fees had to more than 10,000 a year! What is not silly? -

Do not buy a car do not buy a car

said, there are countless people who can be mad and to loans to buy? Die in their own future must not suffer too like! Buy it, buy a finished raising interest rates has not it? Oil prices are not crazy? Parking is expensive is not? Regret not? New car on a road value plunges the sale also can only sell you? ? -

tell you that oil prices have to rise. Must be the same as oil prices rose to and dollars. Hei hei! You take the old U.S. 1 / 10 of income, support, and others a price of petrol. I see you do not have to Arthur. -

final say, everyone is not stupid, are small by stupefying education Jinong train of thought. Stupid is fine, but life or death thing you still tight with points, more calculating calculating the relationship between economic interests! Other end, a down real estate, oil price up, pay the rest of my life took the money not Shasha diploma or dry, over several decades also Shasha welfare does not exactions. You can not just post losses of hundreds of thousands. -

What was said? Oh no way, could not live, and do not buy a car the matter, the bus crowded ah well. I said that out of all the stupefying education system is doing strange vanity. You look at me, just rent a house to live more than 1000 pieces a month, also equivalent to some property costs. If you want to get married I can afford to rent 3-4 1000, the furniture are all fully renovated. Which also convenient where I live. Do not want to move on long-term lease. And transportation costs are also a kind of property. Province, also in vain out of the banks loans, interest, down payment on a lot. Car hit something, all right on the subway, one year 10,000 days, and also save a garage fees, parking fees, fines pile, oil prices rose to 10 also Lehe, do not delay. I did not finish college ran away, while self-learning while planning to run their business out of studying the market, also can not enter foreign listed companies What do managers? Also freeing tens of thousands of tuition fees. -


of course some people will say: You do not even have a house to buy, specify the node can not be married. I thought to myself: I am not, you think you have ah? Some people say that is not worth renting, rent, or others finished, hey, you think to buy a house for decades also loans paid off is your, ah ... ...


