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』『 Reprint early to know how the pregnancy, the fertilized egg implantation time. The time of implantation of fertilized eggs, early pregnancy how to know. (Super detail)

the time of implantation of fertilized eggs! (Super detail)

sperm in the female reproductive system, part of the survival time of ovulation because women are different, but time does not necessarily mean sexual intercourse, which requires the time the sperm have to wait for the egg to increase the encounter opportunities. So the sperm in the female reproductive tract and reproductive duration of survival has an important relationship.

1, sperm in the female genital tract of memory to stay Time: acidic vaginal secretions usual pH3.5 ~ 4. Theoretically, if a live sperm can be fertilized, but in fact the acidic environment of the vagina, most of the sperm into the vagina did not take long to die off, only a certain amount of semen in the buffer will be possible to make very few strong vitality of the sperm survival time can be extended to obtain the opportunity to enter the uterus and fertility. Without the sacrifice of a large number of sperm, without a certain amount of semen in the vagina pH buffer to improve the environment, a single sperm or very few number of sperm in the vagina acidic environment is not possible to survive and fertilization. In general, the survival of sperm in the vagina time: 2 hours after sexual intercourse, 90% died; 36 hours, and even death could not see. In pregnant women, the vagina, the stronger the acidity of the sperm die faster.

2, the retention of sperm in the cervical Office hours: pH changes in cervical mucus, sperm penetration greatly. pH less than 6.5, the sperm stop activities, pH7, there were slight penetration ability, pH7.5, the penetration ability of normal, pH8. 2 时 penetration stronger. Outside the mouth in many cervical mucous obstruction, resulting in a number of sperm can not penetrate the dead outside. Just after menstruation when the cervical mucus, and thick and toughness; close to ovulation, because of increased estrogen in the blood,cheap uggs on sale, mucus become more clean in silk and degree of increase; in ovulation, the mucus more to clear , the outflow of sperm penetration easier. Sperm penetration of cervical mucus, is to rely on enzymatic hydrolysis. Undergraduate chymotrypsin and trypsin hyaluronidase hydrolysis of cervical mucus, reduce viscosity, the loss of adhesive wire form, and conducive to sperm by. In general, sperm survival in cervical Department are: cervical, within 15 minutes after intercourse, you can find sperm in the cervical mucus; an hour later, the sperm into the mouth within; in the uterine cavity, 1 hour after intercourse Palace cavity that is, sperm, 6 hours later, all motile sperm, 12 hours after the 5 / 6 sperm were still alive 36 hours after the 1 / 4 of the sperm were still alive, after three days, there is no live up. But sometimes individual sperm survival time was particularly long.

3, the retention of sperm in the fallopian tube time: in the fallopian tube within 14 hours after sexual intercourse the sperm will have activities, 35 days and sometimes there are live sperm,cheap uggs boots, usually 14 days were the most active, some have abdominal cavity. Slow movement, cilia were to flow back into the uterine cavity. L after 11 days, the fertilized egg implantation process and the time the first day of pregnancy

: JY YD injection after the fornix, the majority of sperm in the vagina's acidic environment of death, only a small part of the sperm through the cervix, in 1 hour to reach the uterine cavity, another 1 to 2 hours, the sperm have gone through a total of 18cm distance, eventually reach the oviduct ampulla, with the egg into the zygote; a new life from here on out, in the next 266 days , the baby will be in your uterus.

pregnant the next day: This will be the first cell division occurs, your baby's development of a security.

pregnant on the third day: fertilized egg has undergone a 3 to 4 times division. At this point depends on the growth of cell division within the egg nutrition.

fertilized egg split the same time, fallopian tube cilia and muscle movement, and gradually move to the uterus, in the 4 to 5 days after fertilization to reach the uterine cavity, and then stay in the cavity 3 to 4 days.

fifth day of pregnancy: This fertilized egg is undergoing important changes, doing preparation for implantation in the uterus.

pregnancy Sixth ~ 7 days: eggs adhere to prepare your uterus mucous membrane implantation.

eighth day of pregnancy: the process of implantation has begun. Embryo drill into the uterus lining, so you may be some slight bleeding.

the ninth day of pregnancy: fertilized egg implantation process to date is complete. Embryo is very rapid, but by early pregnancy tests to determine premature.

tenth day of pregnancy: development of her baby is his first function of the cardiovascular system,ugg boots outlet, to postpone your period a week before the baby's heart has begun beating up.

eleventh day of pregnancy: the fertilized egg implants Department, the placenta begins to form, starting from your blood circulatory system circulation in the placenta.

So, how many days early pregnancy test strip in the end of pregnancy it can be measured? Fertilized egg before implantation, without any contact with the mother, so we have no way to know it exists. Implantation, the fertilized eggs of outer trophoblast cells produce a proteolytic enzyme, dissolved and its contact with the endometrium, fecundity of endometrial function on the buried layer, syncytiotrophoblast cells developed at this time out many cell processes, were uniform villous, called villi. Secretion of hormones so it has a very strange name ---- chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) without implantation of fertilized eggs, there would be no production of this hormone.

Now, we can more accurately calculate the number of days in the end, after the AA can detect the presence of this hormone up! Eggs after fertilization, from the oviduct to the uterus is 4-5 days, 3-4 days stay in the uterine cavity, the process to a total of 7-9 days, so if you use a higher sensitivity (15 international units ) in early pregnancy diagnostic kits, ovulation day in about 10 days after AA; with normal early pregnancy test strips (25 international units) in about 15 days after ovulation detected HCG. is very normal and reasonable. JMM since we know the early chorionic gonadotropin is not generated, so we can only wait patiently to it!

1, the most effective AA Time:

JZ formally mature before leaving his father to the mother after the body can survive 3 days.

LZ can survive only one day.

So is the LZ before the birth, JZ LZ already there waiting on the right.

So, AA's time should not be the day of ovulation, but about three to four days before ovulation begins,ugg outlet store, the next day AA on the right. Can make use of ovulation test strips (not the most yang, or measured based on the past few months experience in the strong sun will probably begin a few days before the arrival of the next day AA, AA to the strong sun in the past.), Body temperature.

2, the best AA position and time. Traditionally, it is the mother ass can drive up the position, but because the more comfortable, and my father feel better, the more the baby JZ generated power, so the key is to feel enough. The best morning time, because my father was tired at night, also affect the baby's power.

3, why should the AA after the booster PP.

father JY generally have two billion JZ each. But in the uterus through the mother's vagina when there are much most of the acid has been integrated out of (probably 98 million). Only 200 or so into the fallopian tube, and finally reach the LZ on very small indeed.

so mothers should try to let all of the JY quick access tube in the vicinity, so that saved JZ and LZ encounter, the more, because before entering the LZ, JZ are also concerted efforts with the head of the solvent do break through the strong defense LZ cell barriers war, of course is as strong as possible, the better the.

Therefore, AA is best to keep a half hours after the PP booster. While mothers do not eat too much before things are too acidic, such as too much meat things, sour things, so that body fluids are too acid, kill too many JZ.

4, JZ, and LZ encounter. (Pregnancy 0 ~ 3 days)

LZ mature the day, Her fallopian tube toward the ovarian follicles will be the direction of the umbrella suction lessons, her mother about a month will be 20 while follicle development, life A total of not more than 1000. However, only one mature normally. 35-year-old mother or a twin gene for hormone secretion, or there will be two reasons.

mature follicle rupture was learned the LZ into the fallopian tube, where, and through the vagina, uterus the \

JZ and LZ is like a combination of Feng Qiuhuang process.

a ratio of more than 200 times JZ LZ big week full of dense peri siege of JZ.JZ eager to general use, such as Warriors head JZ concerted effort to bring the solvent dissolves the cells LZ thick barriers, we must should we work together, have a chance to enter. Of course, this itself is a process of natural selection, survival of the fittest, only the most valiant warriors to get popular, the final breakthrough LZ, into her heart, she was surrounded by care. With the JZ in the heart from the moment, LZ barriers will not break again. (Is it like a man seeking women, women love a man the process?)

Combination of the fertilized egg in the fallopian tube in swimming will be 2 to 3 days. After a few split into an 8 to 16 cells of embryonic cell group. These cells have not yet classified.

If there is no successful fertilization, LZ will die on this day.

* This process is no better test of a good time physical father, JZ enough strong enough, combined with chance of success will be enormous.

* and her mother to guarantee that enough mature LZ (size 19 * 19) and the smooth flow of \

or fertilized egg can not successfully passed, it will be terrible in the fallopian tube of ectopic pregnancy in camp!

after the birth of the fertilized egg, follicle pieces will secretes a hormone, to stimulate the uterus soft, endometrial thickening, such as the sea-bed covered with abundant seaweed, to grasp the moving about to The fertilized eggs prepared in fertilized eggs within a few days still tubal, uterus will grow a lot of small round sponge particles, like nutrition, these nutrients are food sources of fertilized eggs, to assist the further growth of fertilized eggs until the bed.

5, and endometrial implantation of fertilized eggs of the decisive role of the pregnancy (5 to 14 days)

fertilized egg before implantation, it can not be said to be pregnant, and only implantation of, and the mother's body truly become one, and the baby be considered as the first step out of life.

(1) with implantation of fertilized eggs grow into the conditions of the blastocyst. (4 to 6 days)

fertilized egg in the fallopian tube in swimming three days later, has been split into a cluster of several cell populations. It is joy into the womb. It's like a paradise full of delicious food warm, fertilized eggs arrived later,ugg boots australia, will be ribbon-shaped uterus seaweed being harder, and then use the uterine mucus sticks, so mothers do not worry about eggs falling out from the womb.

However, the quality of endometrial implantation is the key to your baby. One is warm enough, one is enough nutrition, if the condition is inappropriate, inadequate nutrition, inadequate endometrial thickness, small cell groups can not be further re-division.

after fertilization the first 4 to 6 days, the fertilized egg has not yet settled down roots, it was suspended in the womb, traveled with the full absorption of nutrients to continue to split up into a head with the tail of a cell classification blastocyst.

(2) implantation. (7 ~ 12 days)

in the first 7 days, healthy blastocyst cells grow a little bit like tail, used to drilling mother's uterine wall, after the mother will become linked the umbilical cord.

7 to 10 days of blastocyst in the uterine wall to find a suitable and comfortable position (usually the end palace, but more in the posterior wall, the anterior wall is relatively small. So many mothers these days to their backs, not too strenuous exercise, so that small cells can be kept fixed in one place). Then a small drill bit punctured her mother's womb entered, and began to drill, so some mothers may feel the lower abdomen from time to time have Citeng feeling, that feeling will last a few days, maybe a small cell in a good position around the test implantation. While some mothers will also have a little underwear dividend of blood, this is the place to be drilling the blood stream. Not related.

* At this time my mother is very important in endometrial thickness, sufficient thickness (19 the following thicker the better) before implantation can be successful.

the first 11 days, small cells have a whole into a womb.

the first 12 days, small cells are endometrial they grow into a melt of vegetation cover in the womb of a small bulge.

implantation completed.

this time,ugg online, and the cells can become blastocysts, have been split out of nearly 100 cells, and began promoting their own velvet hormone secreted HCG. And more with the increase in secretion of more days.

until the buds have birth, fetal heart-only embryos.

Summary: This short 12 days, this short journey, but it is the most difficult of the origins of life. Small cells are fragile and difficult each day, and moms and dads, to do our utmost to help!

value-added information:

1, when the pregnancy test.

preimplantation fertilized egg, no pregnancy HCG secreted by promoting hormones, so is not measured out. Therefore, the first with the earliest possible ovulation test strip after the tenth day of testing, but 10 is not out there at 9, because the concentration of HCG is not enough.

more situation is detected in the first 15 days are faint lines. Even if the test could not not get too nervous. The 17th day could not be determined, the most successful. On the adjustment of status to accept the challenges of the next bar.

I see some mothers with YJ to compare herself with others of their own anxious. In fact, this is not scientific. Ovulation time because everyone is different, some few days after YJ, some ten days after ovulation JY, so how is it possible to detect the same time?

2, need to do to help your baby implantation.

maintain good health before pregnancy, parents are not smoking, drinking and staying up late these are the inevitable.

best things to eat progesterone, these foods help to increase the warmth of endometrial uterine nutrition is very important, can greatly increase the chances of pregnancy Oh.

AA after implantation is expected during the fertilized egg will not be too intense exercise, plenty of rest to help the fertilized egg's implantation. Otherwise, implantation of fertilized egg can not settle down. To avoid diarrhea. Avoid too emotional to see the floating film. Do not get angry.

must not eat certain foods: such as tea, coffee, pumpkin .... there are many, I see a more detailed re-posted another one to tell you, or people who come to share experiences it.

3, if the test is not successful pregnancy a year,ugg boots store, a comprehensive investigation would cause: Ovarian situation, whether tubal patency, uterine fibroids or whether endometriosis, hormones and other reasons. The men will have to open some, to check the situation of sperm. Monitoring both chromosomes. Because food is toxic, and men's sperm is not a bad man's fault, the fault of the environment. Do not suffer in silence, missed the best treatment time.

as the last resort to receive treatment in vitro, when is the best before the age of 35. And after 37 years, greatly increasing the chances of pregnancy teratogenic.

check first to go to big hospitals, and second, to comprehensive, but 2000 dollars more.

want to give us some help. I wish you opt for a good pregnancy!

